My life would be poorer without dogs…
Today is my dog Junior’s seventh birthday. He lives with us along with his niece Lily, two Belgian Sheepdogs, that make our lives richer. Dogs have been part of my life since I was a child and have continuously brightened my days.
Junior waits patiently at the door while I get things ready for our morning ball tossing and walk. Lily has learned from him what to do and now waits as well. They live rapid, fiery lives. It goes too fast.
As I grow older I’m reminded of of a quote by novelist Milan Kundera that helps put it all in perspective:
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”
Happy birthday Junior. You’re a good dog.
Happiness is a warm puppy…
Indeed. Cats certainly can be soothing, but they seek their own happiness. Dogs seek the happiness of their human.
Dogs have their moments. Today I had the two of them out to play ball when Junior decided to head to the pond for a swim and of course Lily had to follow. At that moment it’s as if I don’t exist and they’re on their way. I can see them but they’re 200 yards away. Burns me up that I don’t have them trained better. Happiness seems a long way off at that moment…
Having grown up with dogs, I agree. Now that I’m older I find cats to be a little more my speed in that they don’t seem to require my attention all the time. 🙂
I had cats from 1976 until 1990 and while I liked them I was always a dog person. During that period I had a dog but the cats were the dominant influence in the house. I do understand the relative difference in care required though.
Happy birthday, Junior, you handsome devil, you!
I wish more people could channel the depth of love that happens between a dog and it’s human – with other humans.
Junior says thank you and aw shucks, I’m just a dog trying to have some fun…
My four dogs make me smile every day. I get a raucous greeting from all of them when I come home.
I have half the joy when I come home but it’s still plenty!
Happy Birthday, Junior! You’ve got a rich life in your pack…you lucky dog, you!
Junior is laying on the floor next to me sound asleep as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. Come to think of it he doesn’t have a care in the world. I could learn something from him…
Awww, Happy Birthday Junior.
Happy Birthday, Junior…aren’t they fun?
Dudley & Brody U
Junior got a lot of human love and a lot of treats on his birthday. Trader Joes had a dog event with lots of treats, and then a trip to the local pet supply store for more treats and a bowl of dog ice cream. Junior has a rough life.
Amem!!! Happy Bday Junior…
Timely post….I’ve been thinking about getting a dog but there’s “resistance” coupled with my zero knowledge of what its like to live with a dog. I’ve always been a cat person.
Would be nice though, having a dog riding monkey in the sidecar… be a guard when camping…..
we shall see.
Dogs need training to be good companions where cats don’t seem to require much at all. Sidecar dogs are great but there’s no way to know for sure your dog will accept riding monkey. I can definitely see you with a dog in the tub.
The more I know dogs the less I like people. I wish more people understood that dogs really do understand their own needs and really do have motives for their behavior and need and deserve stimulation. My dogs have never let me down and I endeavor to return the favor.
Mind you, writing a post about dogs is a cheap shot. A comment becomes de rigeur. No one can resist a dog picture.
I had to laugh at your cheap shot comment. You’re right — everyone is a sucker for a dog picture.
Dogs need stimulation — far more than most people can or want to give. And smarter dogs need even more. Mine seem to function best on two long extravaganzas or swimming, running and retrieving followed by a couple sessions of “find the treat’, and then a little wrestling. And of course three meals a day and a couple treats, and don’t forget some head scratching and belly rubbing.
What a life.
Steve, from what I’ve read about dogs they do know jealousy and discontent. Anyway,
I’ve never had a dog of my own; I’ve played with some and it was fun. I wouldn’t mind getting one, but not here in the city – I’d have to live out in the country.
Dogs are complicated creatures and have minds of their own. I feel honored that they’re willing to share a life with me.
Actually, Scooter is an old puppy he is 8 years old. But the unconditional love is there he is always happy to see us, and would lay down his little dachshund life for us if it were necessary.
I just put down my 12yo Yellow Labrador Retriever. I haven’t cried so much since my mother died.
Sorry for your loss Dave. I understand completely.
As I think back to all the dogs I’ve had since childhood — each parting was a wrenching, tear-filled agony. Dogs are hot, bright flames in our lives I think and when it’s gone life feels empty. It’s probably why I always get another dog despite emotional pronouncements to the contrary.
Just returned from a morning walk and swimfest with Junior and Lily. They model complete and utter joy for me…