After watching the unidentified rider in the above video I could only think of the riding prowess personified by the author of Twisted Roads.
I jest, Mr. Riepe doesn’t ride a Yamaha R1 and besides we all know a K bike would never fit between cars on the road without creating sparks. And wheelies would be out of the question.
Seriously though I thought this video a good point of departure to think about riding safety. Right here we are on the far end of the safety bell curve. Please comment if there is some rationale I’m missing.
I’ve been thinking about safety, risk, and responsibility on the road for a couple months now, both for riders and cagers. Perhaps this post will push me over the edge into actual writing.
Until then, don’t ride like the rider above. Stay safe.
I’m at a loss for words. I couldn’t even get myself to watch the whole video….
It’s RUSSIA, for gosh sakes.
Someone on YouTube left this comment:
“Nice to watch if you forget about all those people being put to risk just because one idiot decided to risk his own life.”
Pretty much my feeling, too.
However, the car geek in me couldn’t help noticing how the vehicle mix in Moscow looks an awful lot like any major West Coast city’s. Looks like they’ve managed to get rid of the Ladas, Volgas and Moskvitches…
Scootin’ Old Skool
Hey Steve,
Remember what happened to James Cagney right after he said: “top of the world, Ma, top of the world?”
Another sick puppy who thinks that live is just a video game. I didn’t even bother to watch it whole. This is not acceptable for Moscow or any other place in the world.
I swear that must be my pizza delivery guy. I can order, they bake it and at my house in 15 even though the place is 30 minutes away.
Shining example of a squid….
Dear Steve:
That was me. I will do anything on a bet or for a kiss from a topless blond. I redid that run an hour later on a K75 in half the time.
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
RichardM: It took two tries for me to get to the end. I thought for sure something terrible was going to happen.
Orin: It did look familiar to me too. I guess the notion of Western freeways is the heart’s desire of the whole world. Everyone loves their cars…
SimplyTim: Are you saying this video caused you to take a shot of whiskey??
SonjaM: I second your opinion. Dangerous in so many ways. I suppose this homage to the Matrix (Trinity on the freeway) is frightening because it isn’t CGI.
Joe: Pizza delivery guys have portable transporters and can rematerialize at will over great distances. They are all aliens from another galaxy.
Charlie6: Yeah, you think a guy should know better.
Jack: I’m assuming you meant a female but perhaps on the international stage you branch out into new territory.
After reading of your K bike claim I might have to take a look at one.
I am afraid to do wheelies though. I hope you won’t hold that against me.
Let’s play. Maybe in White Heat Cagney took a “shot” or two after he told his mother: top of the world ma, top of the world.
And / or maybe there was whiskey in those big round gas storage tanks that he was standing on before the shoot-out. If there was whiskey in those tanks he paid a high price for a couple of shots.
But then again, maybe I’m of the age where I’m one of the few who even remembers the movie.
Well filmed,though I think it’s been speeded up.Great to be young.