I’m getting frustrated. We have had consistent snow and cold. The Vespa GTS is too shiny and new for me to take out in the mess not to mention I do not feel comfortable enough yet to brave the snow with only 60 miles under my belt on the new scooter.
In my non-riding frustration I came across this road rage device. Maybe one for two-wheeled vehicles will be available soon.
Click HERE to view the great road rage tool! You’ll need the QuickTime movie plugin to view it.
For more Trunk Monkey enjoyment check out the other Trunk Monkey videos HERE
As an Akron, Ohio vespa rider, I share your frustration about the weather. This winter has been so mild that I sorta took it for granted that I’d be able to ride all month. I use my GT200 for commuting to work, and have been even up until this week, but the chance of ice on the hills around here throws up all sorts of red flags for me.
Ah well. Love the blog, keep on riding and writing!
Absolutely positively, priceless!
BTW, when at the recent Intl. Motorcycle Show here in NYC, I spoke of your blog to some folks at the Piaggio display, where they were doing an intro of the new mp3.
Hope they check you out, as you deserve the attention.
Will he fit in a milk crate?
Ride well,
I could be a dealer!
Have fun,
The trunk monkey is hilarious. I even viewed some of the others. Nothing like laughing hysterically first thing on a Saturday morning to get you going! Thanks!
So your favorite book is Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey. He’s connected to the beat poets gang. I’m reading Postcards from Ed right now (by ed abbey). Allison got it for me for Christmas. I’ll lend it to you. Call me tomorrow if you see this before you go for your ride. I’ll bring the Suzuki.
michael: Like you I figured I would be able to ride without concern for the weather but unfortunately that isn’t the case. Maybe I’ll see your GT200 on the road sometime. I have a trip planned to Barberton at some point.
rick: Something about those Trunk Monkeys….
Thanks for the promotion to Piaggio!
Gary: I think it would have to be a big milk crate. I think he would rather ride behind you on the seat.
bill: A second career perhaps?
ronn: I’m going to keep my eye on the Trunk Monkey site. I need a laugh too!
Paul: I’d like to read that book. Not sure if I have seen that one or not. Snowing now so I am not sure whether I’ll ride today or not.