Acclimating to the Cold
It was a bracing morning. Perhaps too cold for a Vespa scooter rider. Could see the steam rising from the furnace vent, a sure sign that it was cold. As I pulled on my heavy winter boots the heavy frost on the car windshield was another reminder of the cold. At 1F I trudged along with the dogs wondering if I should take the Vespa for a ride.
There were reasons to venture out — blood tests for my next visit with the doctor, food, fuel for the Vespa. But the morning temperature was too low for my brain to negotiate a ride with my body.
By early afternoon it was a balmy 20 degrees — perfect for a little riding and errands. First stop was to pick up some MRI reports. The normally indifferent staff at the medical facility seemed to perk up a bit when I walked in with my flourescent green riding jacket with helmet in hand. When you ride in winter — people notice. Non-riders notice.Continue Reading