Coffee and Photographs
It usually begins with a text message or phone call — “Interested in a ride to Inglebean?”
Most of the time, because of conflicts in schedule or circumstance, the answer is no. I assume the day will come when Paul will quit asking the question due to frustration or deciding I just don’t want to ride with him. The truth is, every time he asks if I want to go for a ride my instant, a pre-cognition response is “Yes!” Part of it is that any excuse to ride is welcome, and part being I enjoy riding with him.
There is a joy in riding with others that takes some time for me to describe. Looking back at a ride we did back in the fair weather of early June provides an opportunity to explore the experience.
We stop a lot so I can make photographs. Paul takes the opportunity to sip coffee or espresso he brews at home. There is little talking.
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