Riding to Work
The commute to work is ordinary, predictable and without merit or adventure. I’ve convinced myself, on many days, that there is nothing new to see or experience and that, at best, all I’m doing is going through motions and movements to move from home to office. In a car, the radio would fill the mental space that it seems many seek to avoid. On a ride to workI’m often engage is a full scale dialogue about what ails the world.
This morning was fueled by satisfaction related to being on the road again, and on vegetable mathematics.
Vegetable Mathematics
I’ve made no secret of the fact that a couple years ago I had a heart attack resulting from an important coronary artery being 100 percent blocked. It was not fun and has had on ongoing rippling effect through my life. The most dramatic and ongoing — dietary changes that are more revolutionary than evolutionary. An vegetables play an important part.
A high fat diet has given way to one of reduced everything. And high in vegetables. At last six to eight servings a day. This sandwich is typical of a midday meal — whole grain bread, hint of mayo, grilled chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions.
My next vegetable fix is often on my mind. It’s a challenge because my experience with those plant treasures has been limited.
Homeward Pilgrimage
Aside from vegetables, it was good to be riding to work again. And home. The days are getting longer and I can navigate the pathways toward home before dark. The temperatures have risen above the freezing mark and the snow and ice give way to mud and muck. But it’ s all part of the rhythm of life now.
Like vegetables.