The Lure of Riding in Fog
I really can’t help myself. When I wake and see fog outside all I can think of is feed the dogs and get the hell on the road. The pull of that magic atmosphere is strong despite the obvious risks. Like riding in the snow, I sometimes hesitate posting because I don’t want to suggest you ride in the fog. Or any other adverse weather condition. While it’s something I’m prepared to deal with and accept the additional risk, it is not something for every rider in every location.
Still, I make the choice to ride my Vespa in fog on three consecutive mornings. This day the fog was particularly dense in places with both visor and glasses fogging up making it hard for me to see and for others to see me. Normally I ride with earplugs to cut down on noise but went without them so I could more readily hear approaching vehicles. This is particularly important when you’re wandering around the road taking pictures. I would consider it a monumental failure to be hit by a car while using a camera.Continue Reading