Some rides are the product of illness — a projection of being lost in delirium.
Can a person ride motorcycles (or scooters) in their eighties?
For the past few days I’ve been swept up in a chain of illness (a cold or flu) and have lost touch with the routines and rituals that normally keep me grounded — walking the dogs, working and riding the Vespa.
I hate being sick; suppose everyone does. While drifting between sleep, delirium and mindlessly watching online videos I came across an old favorite — five aging men deciding to ride motorcycles again. I’ve posted it before. When I close my eyes I want to ride again.
For a few moments I thought I could push through the illness but dizziness raised its hand to remind me of my current predicament. I’m sure Kim would have added her input, “You don’t ride when you’re sick dummy.”
So I’m left again practicing patience, something I never do well with, and hoping whatever illness I have passes quickly.
If you’re feeling your age take a moment and watch the video. It’s nice to think at 80 we might still have choices…