A Bright Light
A faint wisp of steam rises from a mug next to my easy chair in the living room as I watch large snowflakes descend from the heavens. The aroma of cinnamon toast fills my head as I wonder why winter has been such a burden. Despite efforts to blame it on pandemic uncertainty, rising prices at the pump and grocery store, or a raging war in Ukraine, I can’t quite help but think I’m merely suffering the effects of age on my body, mind, and spirit.
While I don’t feel it’s universal, it is common, and I can easily enumerate a list of changes that have no other explanation. I’m powerless to change some of them, but others are absolutely within my arena of action.
Two days ago it felt like a warm spring day as I went for an afternoon ride with my friend Paul. The sky was clear, the sun bright in my face, and a breeze seeming to clear away any gloomy energy hanging in the valley. It was a good ride. I was a good day.
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