The pools may be closed and the kids back in school but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep riding. In case you’re not convinced riding after Labor Day is a good idea I’ll share a few reasons why I keep riding through the fall and beyond.
1. The sharp air.
Walk outside early on a fall morning in Central Pennsylvania and the cool air goes right to your heart and brain. Metaphorically speaking anyway. The leaves were fringed with frost as I prepared to leave this past weekend. The temperature indicator on the Vespa displayed 31ยบ Fahrenheit. Lungs fill with the chilled air. All senses turn on. I’m awake, aware, alert, sharp and ready to go.
2. The light is magical.
For a brief time just before sunrise until an hour or so afterwards the world is painted in a unique way. The angle of illumination renders the landscape more dramatically. The color of light creates alternative versions of even the most mundane roads. Riding down the road I saw leaves falling into a pool of light and just had to stop to watch the Fall in action. Sleep in to wait for the warmer part of the day and you may miss all that.
3. Imagination runs free.
Perhaps it’s just me but venturing out in the early morning always fills me with a sense of adventure, of anticipation and the feeling that anything is possible. I want to know where every little road and path leads. What secrets may be revealed around the next turn in the road. My brain runs free with that fuel and anything seems possible.
4. A feeling of satisfaction.
Related to number four but more a sense of mental or spiritual satisfaction. For me it’s the knowledge that I have done something good for myself by having fun, detaching from any cares for a time, and allowing myself to live. Seeing things is important to me. It’s a feeling that comes when I know I pushed past a bit of discomfort or resistance by riding on a cool fall morning.
5. The joy of warming up.
You can’t ride forever and sooner or later you have to come home. Or stop at a destination. After riding near freezing, no matter how much fun I had on the ride, it’s just great to transition from the outdoor cold to indoor coziness. A physical satisfaction. Feeling my body warm is just nice not to mention the addition of caffeine, sugar, and chocolate.