A bright sun under a clear blue sky warms even a 33 degree ride to work. A lot different than Wednesday. I stopped in Oak Hall to make another panorama shot and with a helpful suggestion from bobskoot was able to actually put the Vespa in another part of the frame. This old farm raises Belgian draft horses now as well as some goats scattered around from time to time. Off in the distance you can see Mount Nittany, iconic landscape feature of Happy Valley and known to Penn State alumni the world over.
With the temperature so near freezing I had to watch along this road for water and ice. About a mile ahead the road runs along a working limestone quarry and they spray a lot of water on the road to keep the ice down. I suspect they add salt in the winter to keep it from being a sheet of ice but at this time of year I wasn’t sure.
Made it to work without incident and appreciated the clear fall morning. Another ride to work that I put in the outstanding column.
hrw115 says
I like the panoramic views you have been posting on the blog. It is a nice change of pace. 🙂
irondad says
Just when I start to get my photos even remotely near yours, ( ok, a long ways away ) you up the ante and do panoramas. Is there no end to the artistic layers in you?
Time to get back on the bike. I’m starting to feel a little insecure!
Steve Williams says
hrw115: Yeah, I was feeling sort of stale photographically. But the panoramas are a short lived fix. I probably just need to ride more…
irondad: Your pictures are fine and I always enjoy seeing them. As far as artistic layers left, I hope there are a few still waiting to be peeled. But the older I get I figure one of these days I am going to cling to what I have and just turn into a coot…
Earl Thomas says
I am still in my infancy of learning how to take pictures, I hesitate to call them photograph’s just yet.
There are a couple of “Experienced photographers” locally who have taken me under their collective wings and pushed me along this path. A few days ago one was telling me about trying panorama in Photoshop (I haven’t purchased this software yet), this must be what he was talking about.
I think I’m going to have to make this software one of my next purchases.
Ride Well
R.G. says
I love a cold crisp morning with a clear sky and a hot cup of coffee. My favorite time of year.
Steve Williams says
earl thomas: Photography is one of those life long learning activities. With the rapid changes in technology the need to keep learning is even more pronounced. Thankfully it is mostly an enjoyable process.
Photoshop is expensive and depending on what you are trying to do may be way over the top. There are other options. bobskoot recently pointed at a free download program to stitch pictures together to make panoramas. It’s called AutoStitch.
r.g. Indeed! A hot cup of coffee or tea in the hands on a cold day is one of those simple, sublime, pleasures…
Ale- says
this panorama is very baeutiful, and nicely sharp. Its colors are wonderful.
I just have to mention – as a Linux user but it also runs under Windows and OS X – another option known as Hugin which does a very nice job. It can stich a huge amount of pictures producing a vast variety of projections, and it allows fine tuning. Just give it a try, it’s free software 🙂
mike says
Great Photo .. !