Sometimes you don’t know where you’ll end up. When I rolled out of the driveway this morning the last place I thought I’d find was the Retro Eatery in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania.
Breakfast is always on the agenda for a Saturday morning ride. My friend Paul Ruby and I did some really superficial planning in his driveway before deciding to head west into Moshannon State Forest. Paul captured me with his iPhone while I documented the presence of the Vespa.
Paul is not like any other rider I know. When Kim saw this picture she said “I see Stevus and Butthead are still around.” Paul was just trying to get better reception. Besides, a road is always much more comfortable to lie on than gravel. Everyone knows that.
Paul did surprise me by riding his Piaggio Fly 150 this morning instead of his BMW K1200 or Ducati 1198. He probably needed some scooter karma.
Black Moshannon State Forest is a beautiful place, changing with the weather, the seasons, and during this ride parts changed by chain saw. As we moved along something caught my eye which led to one of those cool U-turns only a scooter can make. Paul discussed creative possibilities for photos but I stopped him before he got to the part that might involve being naked.
This woodland torso leaped out at me. Not sure what I was thinking but I’ve learned to not second guess intuition. Click on the image to get a better view.
When we got to Philipsburg our plan was to eat at The Little Restaurant but it was closed. Fortune smiled on us though in the form of the Retro Eatery. I should of made some pictures inside because it has a cool decor. If you find yourself riding up onto the Appalachian Plateau you should stop for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Nice place.
David Masse says
Paul seems a kindred spirit. Why not experience things alternatively? You just need an adult to keep an eye out for approaching traffic.
Paul says
Steve: We are really getting our money’s worth out of our Italian Iron. I got my ’65 Vespa GL back from Kissell Motorsport 2 hours after I left you on Atherton St. Retro Eatery: It’s been a year since Ive had hollandais sauce and poached eggs. You are good with your camera. You aways get god/fun photos on those scooter trips. I hope to see you Tuesday at Ken’s. I’ll bring the Blue ’65… I better fix the headlight on that tomorrow.
Steve Williams says
David Masse: Paul definitely experiences things in an alternative way. And I keep an eye open for traffic.
Steve Williams says
Paul: Yeah, we have more fun than we’re entitled to I think. I’ll have to try the ’65 Vespa again. Last time I rode it I remember thinking it was kind of primitive compared to the luxurious ride of the modern Vespa. But I could be wrong…
It’s hard not to get fun pictures with you so animated. A natural model…
Touring Motorcycle exhausts says
I think Paul is a guy i would love to hang out with. He seems a guy who loves adventure and who loves to try out new things. and that plate of breakfast just made my mouth water.