Quiet Moments
My dog Junior is lying at my feet. The sound of a soft exhale of breath as he prepares to descend into sleep. The ceiling is splashed with green and red lights from the laser projector outside which paints our house in a festive sparkle and shoots through the livingroom window to add the effect indoors. The room, and myself, are quiet. A fine time to write a few words of reflection.
I’m tired, a soft ache through most of my body, a result of the head cold which insistently pushes me toward the bed and the gentle escape of sleep. But first I wanted to tap a few words of reflection
Sitting here now, a cup of tea and a few ginger cookies to provide emergency fuel, I recognize the satisfaction and serenity of this moment. And of the gratitude I feel for this life. Perhaps the Christmas season continues to work on head and heart.
Norman Vincent Peale, author of the Power of Positive Thinking, once commented on the power of the season, “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”
I can’t disagree. I remain under the influence of its magic. Wandering through State College, Pennsylvania, I see icons of the holiday season. The wreath in the window of Saint’s Cafe reminds me of how many things, great and small, for which to be grateful.

Christmas Morning Ride
It’s been a tradition, when possible, to take the Vespa for a ride on Christmas morning. All is calm as the sun rises on a crisp, 29F day. I stop at the Pennsylvania Military Museum to assess the untreated road surfaces for traction, and to let the sun bathe my face.
I’m fortunate to have a Vespa scooter. Grateful to be healthy and able to ride. And lucky to live in this exceptional riding landscape.

Onward to See Friends
I was on my way to visit with my friends Howard and Claudine when I detoured to see if any creatures were stirring in downtown State College. Didn’t see a soul, or a vehicle anywhere. For a moment I felt as if I had stumbled into the Twilight Zone.
I offer these words of reflection as a belated greeting for a fine holiday season. And I hope you find the time, whether riding or not, to reflect on your own situation and circumstance. And perhaps you’ll find as I have, that life is rich and I have far more than I imagine.
Be well and ride safe.
Wonderful post Steve! Due to Christmas Morning rain, I didn’t ride. I will tomorrow to usher in 2020 and give thanks for many wonderful moments in 2019. Another year, another few miles on two wheels.
Thank you for your kind words about the post. I hope 2020 arrives with fine weather for a ride and the opportunity for another year of wonderful moments.
Be safe on the road!
Enjoyed reading this. I live in Woking in Surrey UK – a small town recently highlighted by the egregious duke of york who claims he was at Pizza Express when it is alleged he was with a young woman. A conservative news paper ran a cartoon showing a waitress inviting a customer to sample the new pizza called the alibi! I have not ventured out on my Aprillia scooter for several days. The roads are covered in leaf mulch which does not make for happy riding so the Honda CRV has been roped in for extra duty. Your post made me feel slightly nostalgic about Christmas the charm of which has mostly worn off in recent years. But I caught some of it in your words. Enjoy a healthy 2020.
Grantham Pulford ,
More and more, as I gather the years, the spirit of Christmas seems to come in brief moments. On one hand, I think that’s perfectly normal. On the other hand, I think it is entirely a result of the choices I make. When I think of the family gatherings and big meals and parties my parents used to have I don’t think about how much work it was for them to make it happen. Like old Fezziwig in Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol,” they spent time, money and energy to create those Christmas memories I now have. Perhaps I’ve gotten lazy. Every year I tell myself it will be different but then wait for something to magically change…
Had to visit Google Maps after reading your comment. Always like to know where people are from. My wife and I were recently looking at maps of Crawley which is not far from you I think. She’s an avid fan of “The Cure” and learned Robert Smith lived near there.
The egregious duke along with many others have opened a window into a dark world of money and power. It’s good to find a way to make light I suppose. Humor is often a good response to make some sense of things.
Hope you find the roads clearing a bit so you can get out on the scooter. I’ve been lucky here to have ridden a fair bit in Decemeber on the Vespa and the BMW. Right now a head cold is holding me back but hopefully soon I’ll get out.
Hope you have a happy and healthy 2020 as well!
Nice one Steve, Christmas serves me in a nostalgic way since twenty three years ago and the wonderment of the season is capturing my heart now with all the Grandchildren. Your ride on Christmas morning is a tribute to where you are in life and how far you have come. Be safe & Happy New year, peace be with you and Kim.
Not to be corny, but it is a wonderful life. Not sure how I got here but I am grateful to have arrived in this place.
I suspect Christmas has conjured a wide range of feelings and thoughts these past 23 years. Family and grandchildren help temper the nostalgia and keep me focused on today. I hope you continue to find serenity and peace in your life.
Best wishes for a fine 2020 to you and Elaine!
Some pretty deep thoughts to close out the year Steve.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Those thoughts emerge from days in bed with a nasty cold!
Best wishes to you and your family for a great New Year!
Wishing you and your family Steve a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year especially as we celebrate the birthday of the baby Jesus who came to be our Savior and our Lord!!!
That you for the warm blessings for the new year Karl. I pray you and your family find the same.
Happy New Year, Steve…to you and your family!
Best regards,
Karl U
And the same best wishes to you and your family Karl.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. Am also battling a sinus infection. In the final stages now. Elderberry juice does help along with all the other time-tested health recommendations.
Sinus infections. Ugh. Seems I get one every year that requires a Z-Pak or more. I’ll have to look around for some elderberry juice.
Have a great New Year!
“I’m fortunate to have a Vespa scooter.”
And a BMW motorcycle too. I have more caution about the damage road salt does to my bikes so they have sat and get started once each week. Fortunately I can view motorcycle and scooter videos on Youtube to satisfy my love of riding while I’m housebound. I have a few there that i made in the past to stir up my riding fantasies.
The BMW got hammered by salt and grime on Friday. It’s a lot harder to clean than the scooter. More places for things to hide. I’ll modify my riding habits I think.
You’ll have to share links to the riding videos!
Bonjour Steve,
tout d’abord, bonne année 2020.
Que cette nouvelle année soit faite de belle promenade en Vespa.
Concernant ta réflexion, je suis entièrement d’accord avec toi.
Nous sommes zen parce que nous rouons à Vespa.
La Vespa aurait pu être une invention des moines Tibétains…
La Vespa, c’est prendre du temps au temps.
Hello Steve,
first of all, happy new year 2020.
May this new year be a wonderful ride in a Vespa.
Regarding your thinking, I fully agree with you.
We are Zen because we drive at Vespa.
The Vespa could have been an invention of the Tibetan monks …
Vespa is taking time to time.
My Vespa experience definitely has some aspect of Zen to it. At least as I understand Zen. But what I bring to the scooter is probably more influential than the scooter itself. Not sure.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year!
Mon expérience Vespa a certainement un aspect du Zen. Du moins si je comprends bien le Zen. Mais ce que j’apporte au scooter est probablement plus influent que le scooter lui-même. Pas certain.
J’espère que vous et votre famille passez une merveilleuse nouvelle année!