Winter Has Become a Bore
While there hasn’t really been much heavy snow this year I’ve probably ridden fewer miles this winter than any since I started riding a Vespa scooter. There’s no reason I couldn’t ride in the sort of weather we had a couple weeks ago reflected in the picture above, but I’m just not interested.

Dogs Love the Cold. Me Not So Much.
The dogs have almost given up on a walk these days. They’re surviving on romps in the yard on their own or with me throwing tennis balls. I promise them long walks when the weather is warmer but I’m not sure they understand.
They don’t understand that I’m not nearly as cold-hearty as they are.

Just Ride
I want to ride. I miss riding. There’s a quiet part of my life missing. But the cold weather is like a gun held to my head. Still, I force myself past the cold on some days and ride. Once on the road things are fine and I’m usually warm and comfortable.
There have been a number of recent rides but until the weather warms up into the upper 30s (Fahrenheit) there will be a lingering resistance.
This has to be related to getting older. What else could it be?
I’m pretty sure it’s just age my friend, I’m exactly of the same mindset now at 60. I’ve been using two wheels in one form or another since 1976. I like you used to relish winter riding. But not now.im in the ?? and got my scooter out last week, I got two early spring rides in before the weather returned to grim, cold and wet. But those two rides were a tonic for my soul.
Don’t worry you’re not loosing interest. Just sparkle
You’re right about a ride being tonic for the soul. I continue to be amazed at how a short time on the Vespa can transform my mental state. The sun is shining today, road are clear and the temperature is going to head toward 40F. A perfect time for a little ride before things return to grim here.
I’m still pondering your “just sparkle” comment. I want to sparkle.
Lol ? can you remember that feeling you got when you were about 18? When around spring time you felt like you were strong enough to tear trees up by their roots. Run up a mountain and still have enough stamina to make love to a full lineup of beautiful ladies? Yes? Well that’s sparkle, or energy of youth. Incidentally I may have exaggerated a little on the above description. X
You didn’t exaggerate at all. That was definitely the energy and feeling of youth. I still have the sparkle. But the rest, I have to walk now…
I think I agree with you. I used to not mind riding in cold weather, but now I save it for the warmer days. I prefer to think that it’s because I’m getting smarter, not just because I’m getting older (smile!)
Whatever the reason, the cold weather barrier is strong!
I’m in the same boat as you Steve….add in that the nearby local spots have been, in my mind, done to death in terms of pictures….
Maybe “done to death” is the challenge. I’m always seeing pictures of Yosemite Valley that I’ve never seen before. And that place has been “done to death.” Maybe we just need to shake up our vision a bit.
speaking of done to death, went for a <150 mile ride on the Tdub….temperatures ranged from mid 30s to low 50s depending on altitude, ranged over very familiar ground….though the sun was out, the chill winds and zero wind protection of the tdub made the ride more of a chore than an enjoyable activity…..
Little protection from the elements on the Tdub. And no electrics either I bet. 150 miles in the cold is a big deal so I can see why it might be less than enjoyable.
But soon spring will be here with warmer weather!
I turned 70 today and I look at the weather much harder than I used to before going out on Aprilia Sport City (278 cc Vespa engined). We have had a few bright sunny days here in the UK but a lot of grey wet ones which gives us Limies a wistful and slightly melancholic outlook.
I get the same wistful and melancholic outlook across the pond. Age undoubtably has something to do with my change in choices regarding cold weather riding. I’m not sure whether it’s physical and my body just can’t endure, mental that I don’t like the idea of being cold, or smarter in that I don’t want to risk an unfortunate meeting with ice at my age.
Whatever it is, I’m not riding as much in the winter.
My winter riding it pretty much necessity-based (shopping for necessaries, and my twice-weekly park-n-ride into Gotham. Last night’s ride back from the station (1 AM!) was the second-coldest I’ve been out on the bike – 25°F – and my gloves just barely kept my digits warm enough to properly pilot myself home.
Franky, being out in bitter cold for giggles started getting old after I turned 45. So now at 63, I’m way ahead of y’all. 😉
Being cold during a ride is awful. I’ve been on many 25F rides and just fine because I was fully geared and electrified. And then on others at higher temps where I was miserably cold.
Now I tend to not want to stray from the warmth of the fire…
That’s pretty much the reason I head to Arizona and NM in February. Because the weather short days and grey light take the fire out of me. Paul “Smokin'” Ruby
Gee, I always thought you headed to the southwest to meet famous photographers and walk in their footsteps!
I like to think of this tendency as pragmatism, a virtue that I possessed in little to short supply when younger.
I’m sure pragmatism is in play. Especially if that includes, “Why get cold when it’s so nice and warm inside?”
Yes Steve I believe it is indeed age. Now at 63 I look at the thermometer and think to myself – ummm….not today. No snow here but lately some serious wind and rain. I’m no longer fond of riding at an angle to keep upright in wind on slippery roads. You’ve still got it buddy – no worries. Just consider yourself selective now.
I’m selective. Like the ring of that. I hope being selective doesn’t run into the warmer weather! Mostly I think for me is that there is a lot going on in my life right now that requires attention and energy and the Vespa is just playing second fiddle. The cold is just gravy that makes not riding even easier.
You know, I’m sure that Dom will jump in with the obvious solution to anyone who wants to ride in the winter. Pretty straightforward of a solution…
Dom is changing I think. He seems to have had some existential crises regarding that solution.
Here in Australia, it has been too hot to ride. I like to wear protective gear, so that makes it even hotter. However, early morning is bliss. We are in the grip of a drought at present – envy you guys the rain! Yes, riding definitely adds sparkle, if I don’t get out my Vespa GTV 300 at least one a week I get very dull and dismal! Spring will come soon for you, and lovely cooler autumn for me!
Early morning rides…. I’ve found those to be a great way to meet the day. Haven’t taken one in months.
Regarding the dull and dismal when not riding for a while, I always think “withdrawal.”
When we moved to Toronto I had fantasies of riding pretty much all year round. This winter = pretty much zero riding. It seems as if we might have dragged the Montreal weather to Toronto.
I had grand plans when I retired. Life has plans of its own. I’m just along for the ride.
I could have ridden a lot more but Kim’s rollercoaster ride through the medical system has plotted a different course for both of us. I’m sure I’ll sneak in a ride here and there but definitely not the frequency I once imagined.