Tucano Urbano Apron
I got the jump on winter this year by installing the Tucano Urbano apron on the scooter early. The fog and mist this morning was enough to spark the desire to ride. My disinterest in putting on my armored overpants led me out to the garage to install the apron. It took less than 10 minutes to put it on and I was ready to ride in 36F air in just my jeans. The apron is near magic in its ability to keep the cold out.
Most of the recent snow is gone now but the roads are wet and full of gravel. Plenty to give a rider pause when negotiating curves and turns. As is the case with all cold weather riding, speed management is critical to staying upright — snow or no snow.
The Gray Landscape
A twenty mile jaunt around the valley was all I needed to quench my riding thirst today. As warm as the apron is, I neglected to install the handlebar muffs leaving my hands clad in light leather gloves a bit chilly despite having the heated grips on high.
The misty, muted colors of the landscape continue to mesmerize me. I told someone this evening who was complaining that they have no excitement in their lives that they should consider riding a scooter or motorcycle. I think it fell on deaf ears. Sometimes you get set in your ways and can’t manage stepping out of the box to try something different. I fear they were going to just wait until their life got exciting but weren’t going to do anything to make it happen.
But I digress.
Ride on Through the Mist
Even though I wasn’t going anywhere or embracing a grand adventure the ride was exquisite — visually, emotionally, spiritually and any other measure that I might think of. I know a lot of riders wouldn’t think of riding with temperatures approaching the freezing mark, but with the right gear and approach it’s not much different physically than going for a walk in a cold wind. And on two wheels, it’s just downright fun.
More fun than I deserve.
Stop For Hot Chocolate
Near the end of the ride, just a few blocks from home, I stopped at the Pump Station for a hot chocolate and bagel and a few moments to jot down some notes in my journal. What a great way to start the day. I’ve been doing this for over thirteen years now and have no plans to stop anytime soon. The riding remains exciting and I see and feel new things, have new thoughts, hatch new ideas every time I ride.
So why stop because the weather gets cold? Even if you don’t want to ride when things begin to freeze, there are plenty of days throughout the winter where the temperature is above 35F. But I understand the resistance. It’s cold outside. The same statement invoked for not walking or running. But few things get your heart pumping like going out on a cold day.
As long as you’re prepared.
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Preparation really is key. With the right gear, you don’t get chilled. You don’t have to be summer-warm but just not chilled. We have ice on the road so I did end up installing carbide studs into the tires. Todays ride was just with my fleece liner under a light jacket. The jeans did fine along with the regular summer gloves. The heated grips and the handlebar muffs are just the ticket for not-freezing hands. A couple of weeks ago when I arrived back in AK from AZ, I wasn’t looking forward to riding in the cold. But now, it’s just fine. Today was 6°F. Nice post and pictures!
I agree. Preparation is the key. And summer-warm isn’t the goal. I think a lot of riders give up because they push the temperature with gear designed for warm weather. I remember talking to a Harley rider one day at 55F. He told me he was freezing and no wonder — no head protection, no gloves, and a leather vest with a t-shirt. I would be freezing too. And there have been similar things with riders of all types of machines.
If we had long term snow packed roads and ice I might consider studs, but most of the winter the roads are dry. So the Heidenau tires are sufficient.
I do need to install the muffs. They make a great difference and allow for the use of pretty light gloves for most of the winter except for the frigid days of near 0F and lower.
Glad to hear you’ve adapted to the cold. Living in Alaska would be pretty harsh if you didn’t!
“More fun than you deserve?”
Really? Allow me to dissent from that view: Are you having that much fun? Good. Savor it. It’s yours.
As for me, in my snowless little part of New Jersey, I made a point of going out in the rain to get Le Wife a case for her new phone (reluctantly replacing her old one…we don’t do stuff like this on a restless whim), and necessary accessory stuff from Best Buy. I was going to be on an all-day gig out on Lawn Guyland the following day (which was today), so out on Melody I went. I rarely start out in the rain, knowing it’s only going to be worse on the return ride, but did it anyway. And, you know what? I didn’t suck…and neither did the bike. Steady as a rock in 50+mph traffic after dark…yeah, my Levi’s got a bit soggy, but the helmet, gloves and riding jacket held up their part of the deal, helping me get home none too much worse for wear.
And, no, I certainly don’t stop for cold weather, all else being equal, even though I’m not equipped with Termoscud (yet) nor heated grips (although I’m seriously looking into muffs…the Joe Rocket Windchills work wonders down to about 30°F, chichis damned good for a non-heated glove, but…there are limits.
And, as always, you post winter photos that make a pre-Winter Wonderland look more enticing than I’d imagine in the (shivering) flesh.
I’ve having fun but often feel I should be doing something more productive. Perhaps I’m still looking for meaning in this retirement life.
Rain isn’t so bad if properly attired and the roads don’t get flooded. I’ve had one or two harrowing experiences at night when suddenly realizing there’s a unexpected layer of water on the road which could cause the scoot to hydroplane. Have to move slower at night in the rain. Be careful.
Muffs will definitely allow you to move to lower temperatures with those Joe Rocket gloves. Heated grips work best with thinner gloves. It’s a dance to find the right combination. I’m using LL Bean insulated deerskin gloves for most of the year. They work fine from 25F to 75F. Below 25F I go to the electric gloves inside the muffs. That combo keeps my hands toasty down below zero.
As far as photos go — the combination of winter light and atmosphere with our fine landscape makes it easy to have interesting pictures. My wife says I’m doing the same old thing and need to do something different. I’m not sure what that is. I think she means quit photographing the scooter. I try not to hear that…
Steve I see that the apron is not quite pulled far enough forward. The front edges should wrap almost to the edge of the turn indicators. In that way the radiator vents on the side of the legshield will be completely enclosed. If it’s keeping the cold out now, wait till it’s trapping all the radiator heat.
… I see why now, the lower straps are anchored too far to the rear. They should clip onto the air vents under the bike at the front of the body. It’s a little bit of a pain to clip them on, I find I have to lie down and have a flashlight handy, but it’s worth the effort.
I couldn’t find the vents under the scoot and couldn’t remember for sure how the thing attached hence the straps way back. As soon as I got on the scooter and felt the restriction in getting my feet in I knew it was wrong. Later today I’ll fix it. Thanks for the reminder though. Without those, I often just put up with things.
You’re right. When I quickly put it on it didn’t seem right. I was in a hurry and space in the garage was cramped.
When in Croatia during the winter my Brides coworkers would scoot around with there aprons draped over their laps, & they would be wearing dresses & such. Was so common. So Steve, you could start to wear shorts and surprise everybody at the Pump Station.
I don’t even wear shorts in the summer anymore. If I wanted to surprise people at the Pump Station I would need to emerge with a dress I think. Or naked. The first would be a surprise. The second a horror.
When are you finally going to get a scooter Mike?
Cleaning out the attic above garage yesterday as a matter of fact, found my motor helmets, That’s a of a sign ,what ya think?
I think it’s time to seriously consider life on two wheels come this spring.
You could always try a kilt…
Nah. I’ll just not be surprising.
Steve, your blog is so inspirational! If that’s not a purpose I don’t know what is! As a fairly new scooter rider I’m finding that if I avoid riding in certain weather I miss a lot. There has been a hot, nasty dry wind here in eastern Australia this week. I used to be afraid of wind, but now I lean into it and start to enjoy it. We don’t have snow where I live, but I would love to do what you do, photographing the landscape and things around me. It’s light at 4.30am now – no excuse!
I suppose I’ve not looked at Scooter in the Sticks in that manner. Thank you for raising that point. It’s nice to know someone finds some energy in the things I share.
Riding in wind can be a bit unsettling at first. And always something to pay close attention to when you’re moving at 40mph or faster. Sudden gusts at that speed can throw you around.
No snow where you are but farther north you have saltwater crocodiles. Don’t ride your scooter across Cahill’s Crossing!
Maybe it’s time to carve out some space for photography?
I’m liking your morning scoot a little better than mine Steve.
I took one of my bikes into the dealership as part of a trade i’m doing.
It was supposed to be plus four degrees Celsius but never got above one degree for my ride.
The toughest part was… as always seems too be the case for me… the hands.
They seem to get Popsicle like in a hurry which , can make for some sloppy downshifting.
I’m liking that apron set up a lot, Steve.
I seem to recall seeing a lot of those used by bike couriers in London along with things called Hippo Hands.
Might have to give that combo a shot.
Hell… that GTS of mine came with traction control.
What could go wrong ? ( :
Cold hands are no fun. I suffered a lot until I finally got the Tucano Urbano muffs. So now cold hands aren’t a problem anymore. The last remaining challenge are cold feet.
Hippo Hands are a variation on the Tucano muffs. Not as pretty. But both are more or less ugly so what does it matter.
I’ve seen traction control on the Vespa. Does it work?
Steve… I’ve had two situations in which the traction control on the GTS appeared to be doing its thing. One, was while accelerating over heavily painted road markings in the rain, the other when accelerating out of a gravel parking lot. In both instances, I could feel a power reduction the the rear wheel thus preventing any rear wheel step out. It does this of course by measuring the speed of both wheels. When the system senses a difference, it electronically controls throttle input to put them back in sync.
I suppose it’s the same as the traction control on the Honda Fit I drive. I see the light flash on from time to time when there’s snow on the road. Your GTS also has ABS. Wouldn’t mind having that but wish it could be switched off. Seems like a problem when I ride in dirt and gravel on the mountain and at times need to be able to lock up the back wheel to slide to a stop. ABS would keep me moving I fear.