Christmas Morning in State College, Pennsylvania
Penn State is closed, the students are gone and the town is empty. Not a soul around. It was 13F and windy when I got up and there was a dusting of snow when I got up on Christmas morning — not ideal riding weather. The dogs weren’t overly excited either. And suddenly I’m trying to rationalize a little Christmas ride on the Vespa scooter.
It didn’t take long to hatch a plan or to convince myself it wasn’t all that cold outside. Told myself there were ideal conditions for testing the Tucano Urbano gear — the hand grip muffs and the Termoscud apron.
The test: Can I ride without the heavy winter overpants and with only my LL Bean deerskin gloves?
So off I went, fully expecting to have cold hands, legs and body.
Visiting Friends
Departing Boalsburg I endeavored to push the scooter into situations that would offer maximum chill. Spent some time at 55mph. The Termoscud kept the frigid wind away from my legs and feet leaving them remarkably warm. And the muffs kept my hands toasty with the heated grips on high.
A meandering ride through the countryside, town and then on to visit my friends Howard and Claudine — a Christmas morning tradition. There was a fire in their fireplace and a cup of hot tea and cookies. A perfect respite from a cold ride. Friends and warmth — much to be grateful for. And as I was getting ready to head home Claudine made the generous offer of sharing their Christmas meal with Kim and I.
“I’ll call when you’re order is ready,” said Claudine. And sure enough, later in the day I was at their house to pick up a delicious dinner that Kim and I had the good fortune to enjoy.
Thank you Claudine and Howard. I can’t adequately describe how much it meant to Kim and I.
Home, warm and well fed. Not bad for a Christmas day.
Here I set, coffee in hand, knowing exactly what your are talking about as I have the window open with “cold” 57F degree air rushing in and a fire on the TV. Almost feel like I am setting in your house. Shortly I will climb on my big LX150, now labeled the million dollar scooter by others, and in my gym shorts and tshirt will ride off the short distance to yoga. I don’t think I will wear my winter gloves though.
I miss riding my vespa primavera now that I am on my vacation in my province
I think you have things a bit rougher than I do. The plethora of insects and reptiles that lay in wait for the unsuspecting scooterist is far more challenging than a mere decline in temperature. I worry about getting grabbed by an alligator. I don’t worry (much) about dying from exposure…
Yoga? You are a Renaissance Man…
Good on you for riding on Christmas Day, I spent it winterizing the RV and just laying about the warm house.
I’ve been spending a LOT of time laying around the house.
You’re nuts, and I am glad you have survived.
Explore everything at this time of year.
“Real” friends are those who supply a Christmas meal for you and Kim.
Keep thinking of Kim, the impending news good or bad
regarding her medical condition is perhaps foremost in your minds.
Driving ’round here last evening (December 25). was interesting.
Snow covered roads even multiple lane higher speed routes.
I had the truck in four-wheel drive coming home, however that
option kicks out about 55 mph. It still allowed me to leave from the deep snow
and down the heavy snow covered half mile lane of my friend’s place to the
unplowed country road where they live.
And, the cold, minus 15 C outside and this Tuesday
its is about 12 C out there, however windy.
Enjoy the lull between the celebrated holidays of Christian Christmas and
the Georgian New Years Day. Be careful out there, keep us posted on Kim’s status.
No doubt the two dogs are happy playing in the snow
chasing tennis balls of various colours.
Things are quiet and cold. The cold getting to me. The quiet kind of nice. But the dogs are getting antsy for more outdoor action than I want to provide.
We have a lot to be grateful for. Claudine and Howard being one of them. It was nice to have such a great meal on Christmas.
Bravo! A Christmas Day Scoot. I’am feeling envious but in a generous Yuletide kind of vibe ?
Only a minor Yuletide vibe here this year. But grateful for that. Hope you have a great new year.
Steve, your adventurous spirit and outlook in the midst of life’s challenges are inspiring. You and Kim are both in my thoughts and prayers as you travel this unknown road together (maybe explains why you’ve been practicing your riding in unknown roads?). I’m very happy to hear of how your Christmas day played out. I’d love to stop by sometime to check out your winter setup for the Vespa.
I took my ride in the evening on Christmas. Heated gloves, two pair of long johns, two pair of socks, full fade mask, ski pants googles, fleece liner, leather jacket and helmet. I was able to stay warm for about 45min. Great ride!
Careful on that big cruiser machine when the temperature gets below freezing Billy. Never know when some fool dumps their coffee out the car window creating a nice little ice patch. But it is satisfying to ride in the cold. Forty-five minutes is a long ride when it’s cold!
You motivated me to take the Ural out for a ride. Not to actually go anywhere or have a destination. It was a bit cooler (-21°C) and the roads still had a thick layer of ice but due to the colder temperatures, the ice was “sticky”. A very nice day to be out. I was intending to get a sunset photo but I missed it by a couple of minutes. It was 2:45 pm.
It’s almost always satisfying to get out for a winter ride — even a short one. Sorry you missed the sunset. 2:45pm! Wow. And I think our days are short.
Les vrais amis, sont ceux sur qui ont peux compter.
True friends are the ones who can count on.
Despite the temptation to take the Piaggio out on Christmas Day I decided it was in my best interest to stay indoors where the wind wasn’t whipping and the couch being so inviting and all beckoned like a soft warm paramour with naughtiness on her mind. Okay, as naughty as I got was taking a nap, but it was luxurious. And did I mention warm? I believe I did.
Good for you, Steve, being the ultimate scootering adventurer I regard you as. I’d love to have been in your warming gear!
More and more Joe I’m surrendering to the warmth of home rather than endure the cold on a ride.