Giving Thanks Fueled by Hot Chocolate
While sitting at the window in Saint’s Cafe last night, a short interlude during errands, fueled by hot chocolate, the moment provided space to reflect on Thanksgiving and what giving thanks really means to me.
As a kid, Thanksgiving Day was always about food and hanging out in front of the television with my dad and uncles watching the Detroit Lions lose to someone. The fine china came out and I usually had to polish the seldom used silver for this special event. The entire family played their roles as the warm and familiar event unfolded each year.
I don’t remember giving thanks for anything though. At least not consciously.
Fast forward 55 years and Thanksgiving Day has a different meaning. I’m fully aware of how grateful I am for the bounty of physical, emotional and spiritual gifts that have been bestowed upon me and my family. I’m grateful that I can accept the days as they come and that pain as well as happiness are part of life. My job is simple — to stay present and experience what unfolds each day.
Gray and Gloomy
Yesterday morning I went for a ride.
The cold, gray gloom has weight and power in proportion to what value I ascribe to it. Cold hands and fogging visor were incidental to the magnificent honor I felt to be on the Vespa moving through the world. I was well aware of myriad alternatives that were far gloomier.
For each of you reading this I extend my sincere wishes for a fine Thanksgiving holiday. However you celebrate or experience the day, I hope you find happiness in the gifts you have.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and yours Steve!
Experiencing cold while riding one’s mechanical steed does indeed beat the alternative scenarios.
I’m slightly ahead of you in years, hopefully we’ll be both continuing to enjoy each other’s pics and ride experiences for decades to come….
It was a fine day. Hope you and the family made good use of the holiday and had time to be together.
I’m hoping the same as you Dom — miles, rides and photographs ahead for a long time.
Right back at ya
Saw your motorcycle parked across from Schlow Library at the end of a cold day Billie. You’re riding far into the cold weather!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Steve. We will b heading to the other side of LA County to a nieces house that will be hosting her first Thanksgiving in her new home. Feliz día de acción de gracias.
Hope the first celebration went well. Best to your and your family on this holiday.
Happy thanks giving
And to you Kyle!
“O give thanks unto Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever!”
A Blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family. Thank again for your daily posts
Steve. I really enjoy reading them.
Thank you for your kind words. I’m grateful for the tools and opportunity to share my rides and thoughts.
Best wishes for Thanksgiving and your days to come.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans from sunny ? South Africa.
Sunny South Africa. I’m missing warm weather. Have fun!
Beautifully written Steve. I remember my childhood and young adult Thanksgivings very well. The memories are very fond ones indeed.
I may go for a ride on the KLR later today, maybe not. If I ride, I will go out into the countryside. I find for me my rides there are, for me at least, a search for God. I feel closer to Him in the natural areas that I often find myself in on my journeys.
But, I need to learn to seek Him in every place I am.
If I spend a little time I can mine so many happy memories of holidays. I have much to be grateful for in that regard.
Finding God, or peace or whatever a person calls it, always seems easier in natural areas. As if my mind naturally calms and listens in that kind of landscape. Far more challenging in traffic or hectic places. But the experience is everywhere if I can only slow down enough to pay attention.
Hope you had a fine Thanksgiving holiday!
Have a happy one! I’ll beep the next time I ride by. I always do.
I’ll listen for the beep!
Hi, Steve,
By golly, the second photograph is a great one!
Hope you and the family have a good Thanksgiving day.
Karl U
That photo called out to me. I passed the scene and turned around to shoot it. Was almost too cold to stop.
Excellent sujet comme d’habitude !
Les photos de la
Pennsylvannie sont très belle et un jour je viendrai rouler avec ma vespa dans cet état !!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Excellent subject as usual!
The photos of the
Pennsylvania are very beautiful and one day I will come and ride with my vespa in this state !!!
Thank you Laurent. Pennsylvania is a beautiful place. Best wishes to you and your family.
Among the many, many things I’m thankful for is the little thing, although not without significance, that stumbling across your blog has become.
Thank you sir, for your diligent efforts and honesty in continuing your journals. Although half a continent away, I feel like I’m sharing your rides with you. And you’re a very good companion. Much appreciation, and a very happy Thanksgiving to you.
Thank you for your kind words of support for this blog. I’m glad the things I post here resonate. I plan to keep riding and writing until I’ve either answered all my questions or I can no longer ride. Not sure which will come first.
Steve,one thing has stayed the same,the lions are still losing.But like you ,we have a lot to be thankful for.Hope your day was as peaceful and enjoyable as ours.really liked the recent pic of your grandchild. Cute as a button!peace and safety from Nh.
Those poor Detroit Lions…
Indeed, I have much to be thankful for now. It’s good to take time to remember.
Hope you and your family had a fine holiday.
Trusting that you and yours had a fine Thanksgiving Steve and nice too that you managed a scoot. We do indeed have so much to be thankful for. I sometimes lose sight of how fortunate our life is and I would like to express my appreciation and thanks for your articulate observations. Often they are a concise distillation of a bunch of disparate notions I have running about my noggin. Happy Holidays to you and your family from Shirley and I.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. And the weather has been moderate so scooting is still possible.
The doings of our noggins are a source or joy and pain. I’m trying to embrace all of it and explore the shadows I like to avoid. Not as fun as riding the Vespa but the scooter has a part to play.
Stay warm as we head to the next holiday season…
Happy thanksgiving Steve!
All the best,
While quite late in the response, I hope you and your family had a fine holiday. And best wishes for the one to come.
Happy belated turkey day!
I wrote a comment here roughly a year ago about how you inspired me as a new vespa rider. Since then I have taken an intermediate riding course, ridden through rain and hail, got my provisional licence and braved winter conditions down to minus 2 celcius; All because of you.
So I am thankful for your inspiration to keep going with this even though I was scared. I am thankful for the unique view I get of the world by riding instead if driving, the smell of wattle and eucalypt, of warm tar or wet cement.
Finally I am thankful for the peace riding has given me while I process the grief of losing my mum.
Thank You!
Sorry for the delay in responding to your generous comments. I’m glad you’ve found some peace and satisfaction in riding. While it’s not the right choice for everyone, when it is, it’s surprising how strongly it affects a person. Riding does ignite the senses and engages the mind in a manner that’s often unusual. How often would you experience the fragrance of wattle otherwise…
I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. I’ve been through that. All I can say is I hope you find yourself one day awaking with mostly warm and happy memories rather than the loss.
Best wishes for the holidays!
Happy belated turkey day!
I wrote a comment here roughly a year ago about how you inspired me as a new vespa rider. Since then I have taken an intermediate riding course, ridden through rain and hail, got my provisional licence and braved winter conditions down to minus 2 celcius; All because of you.
So I am thankful for your inspiration to keep going with this even though I was scared. I am thankful for the unique view I get of the world by riding instead if driving, the smell of wattle and eucalypt, of warm tar or wet cement.
Finally I am thankful for the peace riding has given me while I process the grief of losing my mum.
Thank You!
I love your blog;however,being a Canadian Lions fan as I live just 50 miles from Detroit,my team did not always lose !Ho,Ho
While I’m certain the Lions must have won one of those Thanksgiving games, my uncle from Michigan who always came to dinner seemed to be perpetually frustrated by that team.
Hope you had a good holiday and keep loving the Lions!