Christmas Tree Looks Good in Snow — Where’s the Vespa Scooter?
You can’t tell from the quick picture I made a few minutes ago — it was snowing pretty hard. Our two black dogs came in looking like powered sugar treats. I almost pushed the Vespa out along the road to give the picture some scale but I had enough foolery for one day. Planned to ride into town yesterday morning. Glad I didn’t. Without the winter rider’s helper — salt and grit — the roads were far too slippery for two-wheeled travel. Even for me. Approaching a traffic light with the Honda Fit put the anti-lock brakes and traction control to the test as I wondering how far into the intersection I would travel before stopping.
The night promises a little snow and ice with some freezing rain mixed in.
If there was just a little salt…
Discretion is the better part of valor.
They say. . .
“There are old riders,
and there are bold riders,
but there are no old bold riders!”
I’m an old slow rider.
This is the month people crash their car in the snow. No salt yet and they can’t make the curve and hit the guard rail or tree. March is the scooterers turn to fall at the stop sign because that’s were the pile of sand and salt is deepest. Of course I make a game out of it like you and your snow tires on your scooter.
The cold months are full of hazards for scooter and motorcycle riders. Just have to pay attention and make good choices on when to stay home.
Being on ice isn’t fun, even on three wheels….
I should have said, being on ice…In Traffic…is no fun.
Exactly. Ice alone, there is some fun.
The decorated tree is wonderful, thank you Steve.
As for the sudden climate change, the balance of this week appears
to be rather much colder than was Sunday December 11 in to Monday December 12.
Methinks four-wheel travel will be the norm for some time yet.
Then too,Steve, consider the changes your aging (sorry) body has endured the last 24 months. None of us are getting younger; best heed your gods whatever they may be and do the four-wheel bit.
At some point perhaps take and post a photograph of your white-covered family dogs…
Can’t beat a lighted tree at night in the snow. They always look lovely.
Dropping the Vespa off to have the rust dealt with in the morning. At least that’s the plan if the ice isn’t too bad. So four wheeled transport will probably fill out the rest of the year. Oh well…
In terms of the body. I’m feeling the years at the moment. Can’t wait to wake up and feel young again. Or at least not old.
As soon as the dogs are dusted I’ll get the camera out.