Waking in Autumn Aboard a Vespa Scooter
Notes from a cafe…
Steam rises from a cup of hot tea. A beam of sunlight warms cold hands and drives away demons of misgiving and doubt that appear with the changing of the season. The view of the mountain against a blue sky reveals the slow descent of changing leaves crawling down toward the valley.
All signals of the physical and spiritual tremor of autumn.
Riding changes in autumn, or perhaps it’s me who changes. The same eyes see a different road. The body shivers in air approaching the freezing mark. The spirit and mind contend over the choice between scooter and car. The pleasure of riding gives way to the need to ride to palliate the emotional uneasiness that reliably appears during autumn.
The familiar reawakening and recognition of the relentless march of life.
As a young man I could ignore and dismiss the thoughts. Further along they seemed an annoyance, a sign of weakness and fear. Riding through the years I’ve come to appreciate autumn as a revelation. An experience of the world easily concealed in noise and confusion.
On the way to work I parked the Vespa in a field to look at the muted earth tones painted in the low light of a gray morning. A physical quickening of blood flow and motion signals my reaction to riding in air near the freezing mark. There’s no recreation in this ride but rather something more; a gift of being aware of the magic of being alive on the earth regardless of what may be happening.
An autumn Vespa ride exposes the world and allows my mind to run free during moments in the saddle.
It’s a hell of a trip.
Yes, it was a wee bit chilly this morning October 15, 2016
Was out and about early to a friend’s place west of here. He wanted a photograph of his large old barn with the morning mist rising from the surrounding fields. And in large format, so the trusty view camera (the bellows returned a week ago after repair,, had to make sure all was well) with heavy tripod joined me. The image is captured (I hope) on colour film, (4×5) for those interested.
Took ten photographs, at varying angles and distances. Film to the speciality lab Monday with proofs perhaps by next weekend.
I then joined him inside with the three cats and his wife for hot tea, with honey and freshly baked biscuits with preserved orange marmalade from their stock. Had a large black cat curl up on my lap; they love to have their ears scratched.
Took the Nikon D750 and did some other photosl and shared the digital images with them. Then to another location I wanted to photograph; the haze had dissipated
somewhat however did try one or two views. The leaves are falling; I give it another two or three weeks until the colours really start to appear.
Numerous two wheel and three wheel conveyances were out and about, a few scooters as your Vespa and three different can-Am Spyders. it’s the time of year when full leathers are comfortable to wear due to the cooler temperatures.
Still the afternoon temperatures here rose to 20 Celsius and the sun has made a proper appearance. Rain is predicted for the next few days; time to hunker down and do some image sorting.
Hauling a view camera and color sheet film places you firmly in the antique photography process. Just don’t see that much anymore. I always wonder how long it will be before that approach is seen in the same light as working in platinum or palladium…
Hot tea and biscuits, especially with a friendly cat, is a great way to pass the time. Both my daughters have cats so I get an occasional opportunity to commune with a feline.
Since it took me so long to reply to your comment the world has changed weather wise — warm weather faded, rain visited, and not it’s passed leaving cold air and wind. I am not looking forward to winter but I’ll just have to adjust — physically and mentally. And if I want to pass the time sorting images I’m going to really have to buy a new computer. Man is it slow.
The mental picture you created of the sun beam warming your hands….that’d make a pretty neat picture eh?
I really wish I did make a picture. Didn’t have a camera with me save for the iPhone. Got caught up writing and just sort of forgot.
Steaming hot tea after a chilly ride has to feel like heaven.
I enjoy the smell of autumn as well. It smells different that the other season when the rain and mist is hanging in the air; the damp earth and the decomposing leaves.
Hot tea is one of the things for which I become truly grateful. Simple, elegant act.
The autumn fragrance has been swept away today my steady winds. The cold air minimizes things too. But it will pass leaving the nose to explore again!