It’s Time for Another Moto Hang — June 15, 2016 at 5:30pm
Today is Moto Hang day and will be held at a member’s place. Jason and Lori Letterie will open their property near Tusseyville to host this evening’s get together.
If you’re new or not sure you want to attend I’ve finally gotten around to processing some of the images from the first three events this year. At the bottom on the page you’ll find links to more complete collections of images on my Flickr site.
There’s a lot of tradition around the Moto Hang already. This photo hangs in founder Ken Hull’s Moto Shack in Boalsburg as a reminder of where the group comes from — now in the third year of gathering.
Ken Hull, Moto Hang Founder
The Moto Hang, previously known as Pistons and Pints, is the brainchild of Ken Hull and a way for riders interested in getting together to talk and swap riding stories. It’s really caught on beyond what I think Ken expected. That’s why this year every second Moto Hang of the month is at a different location.
First Moto Hang of 2016
Even though it was kind of cold and raining when the Moto Hang started there were still a number of riders who braved the weather. That’s what Aerostich and Klim is for right?
Boalsburg Moto Hang Travels to Kissell Motorsports
The second Moto Hang was hosted by Craig Kissell, owner of Kissell Motorsports. It was the first event to not take place at the Moto Shack in Boalsburg and was a great success.
A Vespa at the Moto Hang
Everyone is welcome regardless of whether you ride a Vespa or a Harley. We’ve seen mini-bikes, side car rigs, and everything in between. It’s fascinating to see what shows up.
More and More Machines
I don’t know what the exact count is on motorcycles and scooters now but they’ve spread far beyond the space behind the shack. It’s a moto-happening now.
Dogs Welcome Too
Always seems to be a dog or two passing through.
Harleys on the Sidewalk
Plenty of opportunities to be rebels. But you have to show up. Take a moment to peruse some of the images from past Moto Hangs and Piston and Pints events on my Flickr site.
Just click on the images below to go to the Flickr albums.
Oh, wish I could! But I will, eventually, rest assured. Have a ball!
Four Scooter in the Sticks readers showed up at the Moto-Hang. Two from State College, but one riding up from Pittsburgh and another across the state from Doylestown!
One of these days, for me maybe.
Looks like it could be somewhat damp, take an umbrella.
And so people don’t turn into the incorrect drive,
have the hosts place a locked (to the railings) motorcycle by the road
We managed to dodge the rain. Got home at about 8pm and the skies opened shortly afterwards for a time. Fine evening though.
The owners had their big Harley parked out front along with a sign marking the event. When I arrived there were already a couple dozen motorcycles so I figured I was at the right place.
Too much of a commute for me I’m afraid. Maybe one day I can ride up from Georgia and join in the hang.
That would be a ride. I’ll keep posting pix so you can have a vicarious experience. Are there similar events down your way?
Thanks. I’m aware of a lot of bars and a few restaurants that have “bike nights” but they don’t seem to have the inclusiveness, informality, and character of the “hang”.
The “Hang” does have a unique character. Hopefully you’ll find something local that’s similar. Or start your own Moto Hang South!
Steve, It was really nice to finally meet you at the MotoHang a couple of nights ago. It did get a little wet at our campsite in Penn-Roosevelt State Park that night, but we really enjoyed our riding days in your back yard. The “Hang” was excellent as always.
Looking forward to your most recent photos on your Flickr site.
Good to meet you too Dave. Glad you had a good time.
Thought about you at Penn-Roosevelt when the heavy rain started. Hope you weren’t waterlogged too long.
I’ll be posting pictures here this evening and on Flickr included a mythic view of you and John!