Starting Up
The world is a luxuriant tapestry of spring flowers, the fragrance of spice viburnum and honeysuckle fill the air and there is a sense of endless possibility after the long winter. Riding becomes easy with many rewards to the spirit and body. No wonder it gives rise to the time of plans and projects. Lots of things are starting up.
How did a lightness of feeling turn into one of organized action? I dream of being a kid when laying in the grass watching clouds was serious business — interrupted only by the arrival of the milk truck with it’s treasure of pint bottles of chocolate milk.
Parked in a field at the Pennsylvania Military Museum, it’s easy to see and smell the signs of spring. Great weather for riding but spring always seems to be my slowest riding season.
At least it feels that way.
Most rides are to work — the six to eight mile jaunt, depending on route, that leaves the Vespa parked outside my office building. In my head, my dreams, I’m not parked here but somewhere else — flying through the world.
My lizard brain is driving me to get things done — at work, at home — survival and responsibility. Rough calculations indicate I might need to wheel 20 cubic yards of river gravel into the garden soon as part of a modification driven by dogs. Turf in shade is delicate and can’t withstand the pounding and skidding of dog paws.
I felt a twinge in my back when I thought about shoveling and hauling so much gravel in a wheelbarrow…
Which Way to Go?
Construction lays bare the earth below. Riding can do the same thing to mind and body. Never know what you’ll find simmering below the surface. So many choices — check that — so many demands calling right now. Hard to know which way to go. Especially in the time of plans and projects.
Don’t know which way I’ll go. Perhaps it’s time to retreat to the darkroom again. I have film to process. The chemicals are ready.
Who knows what the day will bring.
That’s the best part of the adventure right?
Sometimes there’s mystery just below the surface. Sometimes, no surprise at all.
Dealing with various aspects of our house’s extension project. The framework of the extension is in place; tonight’s the “last supper” in out current kitchen, after which it gets obliterated as the crew breaks though the back of the house tomorrow. We’ll have use of the bathroom upstairs through the end of next week, after which we’ll spend the better part of a month in a little apartment nearby. While figuring all this out, I’m sorting out scheduling Road Test #2 (Yep, muffed the first one, as I might’ve mentioned here before), as well as where/when/how Melody gets parked throughout this so I have ready access to her.
So…there’s the ground, and feeling grounded. In the end, this’ll all be good, meanwhile, I cope. Of course, the cat will have a harder time sorting this all out. 🙂
Sounds as if you have a huge number of spring projects underway — ones that move you around! Home construction projects are unsettling — especially for cats!
Good luck on road test #2. Relax and just do what you know to do…
Steve your writing really does lock me onto your posts….they really do hold me there.
Another great post which as left me thinking about what we all do.
Thanks for the comments and kind words Len. I appreciate them.
As I’m reading what comes to mind for me is “balance”. For me a big part of the natural order of things in my world is to maintain a balance between pleasure and responsibility.
With saying that, when it comes to riding, the scales seem easily tipped to the side with two wheels.
I used to spend more energy seeking balance but I ended up in situations where there was none — how do you balance two unequal things? Instead I just try to take things as they come and experience them as best I can. That way I don’t feel angry and deprived when I don’t have enough “good” stuff on one side or the other of a balance. Maybe pleasure and responsibility can be the same thing…
Point well taken Steve. But it seems to me balance is about learning to accept the good with the bad. When I lower my expectations and try my best to have a grateful heart. Grateful even for my misfortunes because they can be life lessons. Then balance will finds its own level. So much of life is an inside job for me.
Happiness is a feeling. One of many!
Sounding happy and expecting good things. This year will surely be kind to you.
Always excited to see what the day will bring!
Right now I could do with fewer plans. After the move, it’s a struggle to get settled in. After that there will be shopping for some new furniture, then painting and decorating to do. Somewhere in there there must be riding.
Moving generates a mind boggling number of plans. I don’t envy you that adventure. Hopefully you’ll find yourself quickly astride your scooter or motorcycle and tearing up Toronto!
Perhaps there’s a starving student or two at the university who’ll move the gravel for you for a few bucks and a home cooked meal? I hurt my right elbow raking gravel up in Alaska …. got “tennis elbow” as a souvenir…
I definitely have been thinking along those lines. Last fall I found a fellow on Craigslist to do chores like that. The search will start soon…