Damn, I sense days getting short. Right now there’s less that ten hours of daylight. With most of that time spent inside at work being able to see the melancholy light on our birch tree is a rare treat. And a reminder of the end of things.
Or something. Feels gloomy at the moment. There are bright spots though — the ride home on the Vespa, a few bites of chocolate, two dog faces greeting me at the door. Simple things that don’t ever seem to wear thin.
I used to walk Essa and Iggy Pup through this cemetery a dog generation ago. But the rise of inconsiderate (non-poop-picker-uppers) led to “No Dogs Allowed”. Now I just ride past on the Vespa no longer visiting Dave and Tom and others.
The temperature is inching downward. On the ride to work it was 39F. The weather forecast suggests 31F tomorrow morning. I’ve been exercising my ice eyes. And thinking about installing the Tucano Urbano muffs to keep my hands warm.
The days are getting short.
Candy and dreams help make it through the dark. Vicarious travel through ink and paper and gentle distraction through spending money at LL Bean are just a few of my favorite things.
The days are getting short. And I’m none too happy about it. I’ll discuss my displeasure with a dark chocolate cashew turtle. And fondle a chocolate covered graham cracker.
What’s a man to do with days getting short?
Speaking of gloomy things, better hold on to that Nat’l Geo. It might become a collectors item.
What’s up with that comment? Is National Geographic folding up or something?
Thanks for the link to the Slate story. If nothing else, it proves the adage, “everything changes”.
Oy, I hear ya, Steve: Riding to work in the freezing dark, riding home in the freezing dark… It sucks, just plain sucks. Gone are those longish after work wanders to a canyon meadow or boulder field streamside to linger with the tablet and a book and sunflower seeds and maybe a short cigar in the evening sunlight. We are left with mere survival, routine continuation, until spring.
Ha-haa: “Iggy Pup”… I love it!
Yep, those longish after work wanders are gone for awhile. My appreciation for those rides is in direct proportion to my dislike for the dark rides.
Iggy Pup — another fine name coined by my wife — just like Scooter in the Sticks.
The Encroaching Dark? Tell me about it.
In my case, there’s an additional hindrance: I’m still riding on my permit, whose restrictions include no riding between 1/2-hour after sunset or before dawn. (Damn…it’s like Shabbos every day, and I’m not even Jewish. ) At the moment, I’m the point-person for shopping errands while Sig. Other recovers from knee surgery. (Not being able to do too much for the following week is driving her nuts.) Naturally, any excuse to hop on Melody and scoot is welcome, but I’ve had to skirt the rules a bit in the last week since it starts getting dark as early as 4-4:30, depending on whether it’s overcast or not. I’ve gotten used to night riding in traffic, so that’s not a biggie.
The bigger problem is taking my road test…or, more to the point, finding a place to take my road test: the closest location I can take it is under reconstruction…which ends in January. According to the dealer who sold me my Vespa, the next closest official testing site is in Rahway, which is one hell of a hike, and since my permit also restricts riding on toll and limited-access roads, I’m not sure I could make the trip if I wanted to.
Ahh…didn’t mean for this to be too long a rant. 🙂
Being in a city has a lot more challenges as a rider that where I am. I’m probably spoiled. I can be alongside a babbling brook in a dense forest in five minutes. The Vespa dealer is ten minutes away. Groceries, pharmacy, almost within walking distance. And work is only ten minutes away if I rush. A traffic jam here means you have to wait for one cycle of the traffic light. It’s a pain.
Be careful riding at night in traffic. Drivers really have a hard time seeing us.
And best wishes to your significant other on a speedy recovery!
My annual seasonal mantra begins at this time of year, as follows, “Spring is coming!” It works for me every winter, and carries me for a few short months until the snow melts.
I’ve recited your mantra. It’s not working. What now?
Yes it’s this waiting for my good riding days that makes them so wonderful. I had so many Fall rides to work, after work, to the Y and from the Y in the evening that I feel lucky. What a great Fall!
I just put up my first simple, short Christmas tree in my main window since being on my own again and I love it. It’s all white covered in white feathers with a small bright mini floodlight at its base. Looks beautiful and all it took was on the spot imagination. It is the little things like this and the “few short months” as stated by Kitty that keep me happy.
I’ve not yet been able to get my head to the place you and Kitty seem to be. I’m stuck at grumpy and ill-humored. A Christmas tree might help though. I hope Santa stops to see me.
That first pic shows really nice and warm color Steve….I like it a lot, got texture, warm glows….
I agree!
That glow only lasts a few minutes. I was lucky to get home a little early. Usually it’s long gone by the time I arrive…
My, what a morose subject! And you included a photograph of a stone orchard as well!
Steve, you have escaped a box planted permantely in the stone orchard this year; keep that in mind!
The shorter days of the calendar come to an end 4our (sic) weeks from this weekend; then the days reverse and start to increase in length.
The locals here predict a short (in terms of lousy weather) winter maybe six weeks of heavy snow and cold. Blame/ thank El Nino for that blessing.
The Vespa may not a viable form of wheeled transport some days or as noted, weeks!
The two wheels are sitting there (as are two lovely dogs and your wife Kim) patiently awaiting your return from the drudgery of going to work in the dark, being in the dark all day and then coming home in the dark. At least you’re not as a mushroom where you’re fed sh*t all day long as well.
And one other item; you have a lovely grand-daughter Mr. Williams!
Stone orchard. I’ve never heard that before but paints an appropriate picture. I come by my fascination with cemeteries honestly. When I was a kid my mother took me to every old church and cemetery she could find when we traveled. I bet I’ve been to every church and cemetery in Bavaria. I don’t see them as death yards but I have to admit I’ve been frightened twice in them.
Four weeks! Hot dog. That’s the best news I’ve had all week.
After the first couple snow falls I’ll put the winter tires on the Vespa which improve traction on dry, cold pavement as well as wet and slushy snow. But I fear the blood thinning drug I’m on may limit my desire to be out in the cold. We’ll see. Kim and the dogs are here and Emma is just a short ride away. Things are good despite what you might read into a picture!
You could be in Barrow. They just had their last sunset yesterday until sometime in mid-January.
I don’t know how they do it. I remember back in the 1970s when I worked full time in a darkroom as a printer. Dark on the way to work, dark all day, and dark on the way home. That would do my in now but as a kid I didn’t even notice.
Hi Steve,
Hope all is well,
For me it’s a time for reflection a good time to go over what’s been covered this year.
A long hard look at what I’ve done right/wrong where I’ve been , who made me laugh / cry and also a time to do my taxes!
Steve do you have any pictures of the vespa and a summer month ride which you have not posted???
You could drop it in now to warm us all up 🙂
Take care mate.
All the best LEN
P.s we still take the dog for a crafty out-of-hour cemetery stroll:)
The end of the year brings on a lot of reflection for a lot of people I think. While it’s been cold I don’t think it’s time to break out the summer pictures just yet. I want to wait at least until there’s snow on the ground! It’s a good idea though.
Hope things are going well with you too.
Chocolate and travel magazines help my winter blues immensely as well. It’s not a perfect fix, but then again, the only perfect fix is long days of riding in great weather.
Chocolate and magazines are only a temporary fix I guess. Here’s hoping for some fine riding days ahead.