For the past 24 hours the thermometer has not dropped below freezing allowing the snow and ice to begin to melt. The transition from freeze to thaw creates some crazy, ugly riding. Risk and annoyance rise as ice turns into water, mostly because it’s not like an on/off switch — things can look wet when actually the water masks ice beneath that hasn’t melted. That can throw a big wrench into things when there’s a lot of water on the road. And for the careful caretakers of machines, the salty, grimy mess can make you cry when a passing truck can drench a shiny machine and bright clean riding gear in something that creates permanent abstractions on metal and fiber.
Walking the dog I almost fell down crossing a puddle in the road — an important reminder for the coming ride into town. It’s the little things that will trip you up. On the way into town I pulled over to bid winter farewell. I sure hope it’s heading south for the season.
Riding in town presents more snow and ice hazards but lower speeds make them easily manageable. On Sunday morning there is very little traffic allowing a ride to almost seem like a practice session on a riding range.
The motorcycle parking spaces on Allen Street in State College, Pennsylvania are free of ice, and, well, free. I don’t think I’ve ever not been able to find free parking for the Vespa when I come into town. Sunday morning rides to Saint’s Cafe don’t count, especially now that Penn State’s spring break is underway and the place almost feels like a ghost town. It mean Saint’s Cafe was closed and my friends and I had to retire to Panera for our low brow photography discussion and snacks.
I think we get together for the snacks.
The ride home was uneventful with just one stop to play in the melting ice and now. Not much fun, mostly because my mind was elsewhere — on roads and trips to come once the mess evaporates.
For anyone riding right now there is one important things to keep in mind — if the temperature dips below freezing at night all the water becomes glare ice, free of salt, and really, really dangerous for the unsuspecting and unprepared rider. You can successfully negotiate ice but only if you are prepared for it which means, in most cases, you need to be able to stop before you arrive upon it. That process is an art form unto itself.
But if you are going to take part in crazy, ugly riding, you had better polish your skills and let go of your attachment to a shiny clean machine.
Things are looking very Midwest in your neighborhood.
I like to think that things are looking very much like spring!
Thanks for the reminder. I don’t think I remember what Spring looks like. They that claim to know say that we are headed back into 0F territory for a while. We are heading to Chicago and PA for a week or so. Hopefully things warm up before we get there.
Glad I could add a bit of positive energy to the otherwise grim winter. We’re looking at a week or more of weather in the forties and maybe hit the 50s…
I am so, so very sick of winter.
It’s amazing how much different things are there from where I live, one hundred miles north of you. Temperatures have only been in the frigids at night and it’s 10 degrees now at 7:30 in the morning. Yesterday it rose into the mid-thirties for the first time in a while. I got to see the first “Harley of Spring” yesterday when an anxious Sportster owner passed my house. I guess he was just dying to get it out of the garage.
I like the idea of “the first Harley of Spring”. They don’t come out until spring is really here right??
“But if you are going to take part in crazy, ugly riding, you had better polish your skills and let go of your attachment to a shiny clean machine.”
yep, that’s for sure….when things are “slushy” the rig arrives back home covered in a wet goo that if not already dry, will dry to a crust quickly. The splashing about on three wheels is fun for the most part, sluicing down the rig afterwards…..boring but calming.
My Vespa has a sheen of crusty salt spray on it. I really should wash it off but I’m lazy…
Hope your toes are warm! 🙂
I’ve not tried them yet — figures I would buy a case of those Toasty Toe things and the weather gets warm. Figure there will still be some cold days ahead.
+6C at noon today and the big melt is on. But the winter crud on the roads would make riding, though possible, totally disgusting.
Watch for re-frozen melt. It’s a huge road hazard, especially because the winter salt budgets are close to exhausted, so you can’t count on salt crews to defend you.
Be safe.
I’m always on the look out for ice when the temperature drops toward the freezing mark. They don’t seem to ever run out of salt here. It’s like there is a bottomless salt pit somewhere.