Nothing like parking the Vespa on an open field with the world before you. Add to that a dash of springtime warmth and everything feels like a miracle. That’s exactly how it all felt on the way home today.
An absolute joy to be able to ride under a blue sky and not be freezing. But with the warm weather and the prospect of more riding comes a long list of things to do, fix or at least consider to be truly ready for the normal riding season.
A good washing of the Vespa is in order. There is so much baked on salt and road grime that I suspect it will never come off. I picture myself sitting on the driveway, toothbrush in hand, radio blaring, scrubbing away to transform this nasty scene into something more civilized.
And what can I say about the exhaust…. It has to come off, be attacked with the wirebrush at least and probably better a sandblaster. And then many coats of high temperature paint to hide the fact that it’s ready to turn into dust. This is what winter looks like for a year round rider.
And remove the Heidenau winter scooter tires.
It’s not summer yet. This morning there was frost on the car window as I rolled out of the driveway. With the sun out I was able to ignore the cold. Bright sun sent the temperature up quickly.
The light in the morning is more dramatic now. Or maybe I just imagine it so since the sun hasn’t been available much for the past four months. Surprisingly, State College, Pennsylvania remains quiet in the morning. Good for me — no competition for the coveted motorcycle parking spaces.
Clear skies and long beams of hot sunlight make even a simple breakfast of bagel and juice seem spectacular at Saint’s Cafe. Not quite food porn mostly because my culinary inclinations are so simplistic. Even so things look nice in this light.
The snow is pretty much gone though if you look in the shadows of places where snow was piled after cleared from streets you can still find some ice piles. The thaw is creating some monster mud puddles in some places. When you ride a Vespa you absolutely do not ride through water that you can’t seen to the bottom. Sucking water into the engine intake can quickly downgrade you to a bus or cab.
The Far Corners Asian Market in State College has just reopened in this location. Last time I was in this building it was home to Kissell Motorsports. I also purchased my first Vespa inside this building. Springtime — for rides down memory lane…
Ride, ride, ride. It’s what I want to do right now. Kim says the birds are twitterpated right now. I must be scooterpated. Unfortunately the need to continue to pay the light bill and put food in the freezer is getting in the way of my grand plans. Some have said I should retire. Others advise getting rid of the scooter.
I just keep my head down and ride when I can.
On my way home from work today, big sky for central Pennsylvania, dry roads for me though the gates where chained shut just down the road so I had to double back onto the pavement to make my way home.
Lot’s to get ready for spring riding. The machine for reasons already outlined, myself in terms of shedding a few pounds of winter weight so my riding clothes are comfortable, and my mind so I remain fully aware of the thundering danger never too far away.
More riding tomorrow…
Washing off that winter riding grime Steve? Perhaps in advance of next year’s winter riding, this might be a useful tip which I spotted on ADVrider… the rider said to liberally spray all parts so affected with vegetable oil beforehand. He said that the grime does not stick, and it washes right off. I’ve never tried that one myself before, but since I also ride in the winter, I will in the future.
And that far Corners Asian Market new location on West College where you bought your fist Vespa? Decades ago I was a car salesman in that building when it was first The Car Store and then Champion Motors, as I recall. We sold used Yugos and used Suzuki Samaris.
That second photo should be used by Vespa to sell their vehicles….very nice.
I guess that’s not grime on your steed, that’s a protective coating, right?
Hello spring! Good to see your Vespa on the road more often again.
There’s nothing like a nice warm day whilst riding your scooter, esp after a long, drawn out Winter.
A weekend photographer or Riding the Wet Coast
Absolutely beautiful photos! I especially like the colors in the first couple.
I became a fan of your blog when I first discovered it, 3 months ago. I haven’t ridden a scooter, but I’ve ridden a motorcycle for 40 years and share many of your attitudes and ideas. (Also, I went to college in Central Pennsylvania and enjoy seeing the landscape again in your photos.)
Thank you for all the astute words and the fine photos.
I wanted to register one complaint. I find that credit-line that recently entered the bottom of your photos horribly eye-catching and distracting. To my eye, that text seriously damages the photo. If you feel you must have it, could you perhaps at least put it in much smaller type?
Best regards, and keep up the great work,
Ken (from Hartford, CT)
(This is more of a personal letter than a “comment.” Sorry. I couldn’t turn up an address for email.)
Hi Steve , those first two pictures are wonderful ….. The majority of your pictures well out excel mine ….but one like the first two are high-end photography , the sky, thick cotton wool clouds, a vespa WOW.
Then you show us a close up of you exhaust and calliper YUK.
Proof you ride in all conditions though mate.
Nice to drop by.
Big like
To ride is to live!
Spring is the time of new life!
Nuff said!
Happy roads….
The vegetable oil spray sounds like a good idea. I’ll have to give that a try.
I did my my first Vespa — an LX150, in that building. I’ve been around since the 1970s so I probably saw the Suzuki and Yugo dealership but just don’t recall. Kissell Motorsports was in there from maybe 2005 (?) until they moved down the road to the former State College Athletic Club building. That’s’ where I bought my GTS.
State College just keeps changing…
Charlie6: I’d be happy to work with Piaggio on something. Used to think it would be cool to partner with them in some way to push the idea of the Vespa as a suburban and rural machine for adventure. Who knows…
SonjaM: Protective grime…. I like that!
bob skoot: Warm but not hot. Road this morning with the temperature at 40F. Plenty warm enough to ride. Tomorrow it will be near 80F. That’s getting hot!
Kenneth Dowst: Thank you for the kind words about Scooter in the Sticks. Glad I can afford a connection to central Pennsylvania.
I’ve been meaning to watermark my photos for years and now after thousands without I’ve started. First batch was too heavy handed, second less so, and with your comments I have reduced the size and opacity yet again. That’s for that feedback. Let me know what you think about the next version.
Len: Thanks for the encouraging words about the photos. I’m surprised how well the Vespa still looks after all the pictures I’m made…
The exhaust gets rattier every year. One of these days a hole is going to develop. Will pull it off the scooter soon and repaint…
Abdullah: thanks!
Deb: Loving this spring. Really was tired of the cold this time and just couldn’t wait for the world to return to life…
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