It’s been cold, a cold that penetrates the bones, my bones, and I’ve not done a damn thing except go to work and come home and curl up. No Vespa, no camera, nothing.
And the really cool part? I don’t care.
It’s taken me several decades to arrive at this destination. A real spiritual journey…
The land of “I don’t care” is a great place to stop by when it’s wicked cold and miserable outside!
I have those days as well Steve, when the G.A.S. factor is low.
Usually though, its when the weather is so nice, all the fair weather riders are out, too crowded then….
the Motorcycle show is here this weekend and I don’t care either. I don’t feel like going. I don’t need anything. I’m going to sit at home, JUST LIKE YOU
Riding the Wet Coast
That’s what I’d expect from someone who rides a spoon. ;*)
Ps My manly 500cc is staying in the trailer.
It took me a while to figure out G.A.S. acronym in the comment. These days I rarely think about the temperatures unless it gets too warm. At this time of year, above freezing is hazardous…
Been doing a lot of the “I don’t care” this winter. Damn, it’s been cold!
Hi Steve,
I wish I had some of your I Don’t Care attitude then maybe I could rest easy curled up. The cold is brutal here in the South too. Temps in the single digits at night and just above freezing during the day…cutting a serious hole in my scooter time. I get up early and check the weather, yep, too cold to ride. Later checking my watch, before noon now, still too cold. I THOUGHT I left all this cold stuff back in Minnesota years ago. Georgia, Deep South, is SUPPOSED to be warm. Its 3:30 by now and still too cold. Cabin fever has clearly set in. Your scooter blog keeps me cozy comfy as I look forward to Springtime. I hope Paul is having a fine time in Europe, keep us posted about him please. Well, there you have it. Cold and more cold…and I DO care (hugs and love your blog).
VStar Lady: Unfortunately I find it tough to leave once I get there….
Charlie6: G.A.S. factor? I’m stumped.
I have the feeling you are going to ride regardless of weather or crowds. Ride or die kind of thing.
Steve, not having a car of my own does tend to make up one’s mind as to riding no matter the conditions. 🙂
As to G.A.S: in the Army, it was a derivative of DILLIGAF, used interchangeably when things were suboptimal in terms of weather, or ongoing field ops, or when folks were tired or morale was low.
Give A Sh*t
Do I Look Like I Give A F*ck
I was just going along with the title of your post you see.
bob skoot: I’ve been sitting and sitting, eating and eating. And not the kind of stuff that’s good for you…
Angelo: A spoon? That’s just not nice! It’s a fine object of European engineering. It’s much more fork-like.
RichardM: You or Dom are going to have to enlighten me on the meaning of G.A.S.. I’m slow.
You’re right about things being hazardous around the freezing mark — the roads gets much more slippery.
Give A Sh*t
Photobuttonsusa: Glad Scooter in the Sticks can help ease the non-riding cabin fever. Hopefully the cold weather will ease a bit soon!
And thanks for the words of support.