A new year has arrived in cold and blustery fashion. Junior and I ventured out to the mountains to breathe fresh air, let hearts pump blood into straining muscles, and enjoy another day walking on the earth.
Junior is my guide and I work to reflect the same happy, satisfied look on my face. His needs are simple as are his pleasures. There’s a lesson to be learned.
With dog fed, watered and safely at home I ventured out on the Vespa to experience my own version of chasing a tennis ball. The road surfaces this morning were a mix from dry to slippery depending on location and road treatment. This stretch was surprisingly slick and required a speed drop to around 15mph — bicycle speed. Fortunately it lastly only a mile or so and the rest of the ride was upon more reliable traction.
Riding and blogging, I’ve been thinking (again) where I want to go with this project. I’m sure a path will reveal itself at some point down the road.
On this ride one thing floated in and out of my head. The first is electric socks and insoles — something to research because my feet seem to get cold faster these days. Another gift of aging or I’ve become less tolerant of the cold.
So until the next ride, Happy New Year from the Sticks!
Happy new year Steve.
I think you should consider a Tucano Urbano Termoscud apron.
My GTS came with one and I used it during the cold spring weather.
It not only keeps the cold air at bay, it encloses the Vespa’s radiator gills and in short order forms a very toasty warm micro-climate to keep your lower body warm.
Happy New Year!
I think it’s interesting that you still consider this blog about your Vespa experience a “project”. Now 8 years old.
Steve & Kim:
Happy New Year !
There, I am feeling better already
Riding the Wet Coast
PS: a little trick I have learned. Walk barefoot in the snow and then put on your boots. It will feel toasty warm
Dear Steve,
I think it is natural to always have a goal for things, but I would suggest that your “project” (Scooter In The Sticks) has already met, and continues to meet, these goals: 1) instruction for new scooterists; 2) reminders about safety and risk for all scooterists; 3) stunning scooter-related photography; 4) reflections and philosophy about the important things in life. And I’m sure I could go on! So, in short, you have already created an impressive and invaluable body of work, and I say this as one who has read every post since the beginning (a project, by the way, undertaken last winter before I bought my first Vespa; and I credit Scooter In The Sticks in no small measure to my completing my first year having ridden 6500 miles safely and without incident). So, sure, have goals for this “project”! But please don’t lose sight of what you have already accomplished with it, and the tremendous good it is doing for people all over the world whom you will likely never meet. So thanks for everything and happy new year!
Happy New Year! As to the project’s future direction, think of it more of an avocation …. My own avocation is on its seventh year, time flies…..
Hi Steve , happy new year!
Great pics … Does junior pose that easy or is there a treat involved ,
Looks cold and somewhat lonely in the scooter photos ,
David might have something with the Tucano Urbano Termoscud apron. I very much like the idea of a micro climate!
Happy and Healthy New Year, Steve.
Please do not abandon “the project”. You are an inspiration for a camera rookie like myself, and I just love your pics (especially those which have a perfectly positioned Vespa in it).
Happy New Year! All the best for you and your Vespa 😉
Hope to ride my Vespa soon… but the rain’s stopping me at the moment…
Maybe its not that you are becoming less tolerant of the cold, but more that you spend far more time on that silly machine during the cold weather.
HI Steve; Happy New Year to you, Kim and Junior!
The cold feet issue may be resolved with “Little Hotties”, a chemical foot warmer that is available at Costco (Toronto); they work great, and for several hours. Hand versions are available too, but get in the way of motorcycle and camera grips.
I loved the pic of Mt. Nittany without the scooter, and Kim in her studio (nice wide angle!).
It’d be okay with me if you included more images without the scooter from time to time; bikes are great, but so are good images. It’s rare to find a site that combines good photos, and scooters as well. Keep up the good work!
David Masse: Not sure I am patient enough to deal with an apron. I actually stay reasonably warm now except for my feet after an extended period of time. I’m looking at the Gerbing heated insoles.
RichardM: Yes, I keep projects around for a long time. I still haven’t printed prom pictures for my daughter. That was about 15 years ago now…
bob skoot: I’ve noted your comment.
bob skoot: No way I’m walking barefoot anywhere. That would be the end of me…
maestro: Thank you for the thoughtful comments. You’ve reflected on things in a way I haven’t.
And congratulations on your first year of riding. I hope you have many more fun, safe rides ahead.
Charlie6: Sort of frightening how fast time moves by…
len: Junior is completely acclimated to the camera and knows what “I want to take your picture” means. He usually stops what he is doing and sits down when he hears that. At that point I can ask him to stand, sit, lie down, look, and a number of other things. He’s a cooperative dog though feels he earns the right to pester for treats….
The apron would conflict with the heroic image I have of myself….. *grin*
SonjaM: I’ll probably keep shooting pictures of the Vespa for the foreseeable future so no worries yet…
Germanicus84: Not to worry — more photos to come in 2014. I just need to work to not let them get too boring…
Ride safe on your Vespa!
Angelo: You may have a good point — since I have been off for the holidays I have been out in the cold more than usual. Once I go back to work on Monday I may suddenly get very cold tolerant riding in the car…
RickV: We don’t have a Costco here but I’ve checked at Walmart for the chemical inserts. No luck yet but I will find some and give them a whirl.
Kim has suggested more than once that I mix up the photos and put that damn Vespa in every shot. Slowly I am moving in that direction….