The familiar route under heavy skies sublime, all cares and worries washed free leaving imagination and wonder as the Vespa rolled along. Objects and places strange, new, and the ride I’ve made hundreds of times
Looking at the looming road sign brought a smile as it faced off with the scooter. A quote sang in my head…
“Wonder is the heaviest element on the periodic table. Even a tiny fleck of it stops time.”
― Diane Ackerman
How lucky the rider who finds a piece of wonderment along the road.
This morning, Mount Nittany, the quiet hill watching over Penn State, Lemont, Boalsburg, Oak Hall, Linden Hall, State College and Houserville — it possesses magic which I never tire of witnessing.
The first leg of the ritual ride ends across from Schlow Library. Ample free motorcycle parking on a Sunday morning. In fact I have never failed to find a space here, or at least I can’t remember a time.
And off to Saint’s Cafe on foot, a few hundred steps, not quite a walking meditation, but just enough time to recognize a troubling thought or happy memory.
Ah, the small rituals that make life sweet…
Steve, I like that picture of Mt Nittany with fog/clouds at its summit…I must admit though, a similar hill here in Colorado wouldn’t draw a second glance….unless wreathed of course in such lovely fog.
I guess we missed all these roads as we didn’t know where they were. We spent the whole day by the pool waiting for Kissell to squeeze my bike in. Then it was too late for Pistons & Pints as we didn’t want to leave Karen out, as she was back at camp
It would have been nice to see one of your BIG hills
Riding the Wet Coast
I also like the view of Mount Nittany with the clouds and the fields. There are so many roads in rural PA I’m surprised that the state can afford to maintain them all. But it must make for nice riding.
I love the Ackerman quote. Having just spent several days riding in the southwest I can relate.
Charlie6 (Dom): There’s no comparing the landscape in and around Denver, especially to the West, with our meager little hills. Still, each has it’s own unique character and as you point out a little fog never hurt a scene.
bob skoot: Quit reminding me! I feel bad we couldn’t explore some of the unique roads and scenery here. You ended up seeing the mundane views — Interstate 80 and worse…
Still, when you tally all the experiences of your trip, you have a hell of a collection of memories…
RichardM: We get a lot of liquid fuels taxes to support road maintenance. And some aren’t so well maintained. Let’s not talk about bridges.
There are nearly 120,000 miles of public roads in Pennsylvania to care for. It does seem hard to image…
Canajun: It is a nice quote — a great reminder.