“The only journey is the one within.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
And so a new day begins, a short journey from home to work save for the meandering divergence from the precise, economical, predictable route. Birds chuckle and the faint scent of grass lingers in the air; a few wandering steps following the camera’s eye. Meetings today, one, two, three I think. And then the thought is gone, wiped away by the sharp, crackling of boot on gravel.
And the journey continues, short, small, significant in mind and memory.
The world when observed with a Vespa…
Love the depth of field and the low camera placement on this shot, Steve.
I hope I can keep that scooter perspective, the mental rather than the photographic kind, when school starts up again.
– Joe at Scootin’ da Valley
Joe: It feels like a full time job at times doesn’t it? Hope to cross paths with you sometime when I am riding up your way.
I look forward to the day when you might take a picture of something I’m about to eat and make it look as appealing as the things you’re usually nibbling, Steve!