Morning, strong light, cool air, quiet walk. Sunshine pours in and the energy level rises in response. A fine way to begin another day on the earth. Poor Junior, sitting again, awaiting whatever happens with the small black box in my hand. He would be more animated if it dispensed dog biscuits.
If sunlight adds energy then the sight of the scooter awaiting departure provides excitement, the kind that promises an electric flow through the body as the spine straightens and mouth tightens into a grin regardless of destination.
A few spare moments to chase the light at the end of the day, a brief distraction along a small stream in the mountains, a flicker of silver and sparkle that reminds of the small gifts found along a ride. And with the slowly fading light comes that satisfied feeling that I’ve been part of something good, a life, a stumbling along a path like no other.
Just a short ride, some miles through the countryside and up along the graveled roads into Rothrock State Forest, the flush of pale green creeping towards a day when the forest is a sea of leaves. A ride like so many others yet unlike any other in the sights, smells and thoughts burning along the way.
Unwound and free, relaxed and breathing easy — small gifts of a dog and a Vespa.
Beautiful photos. (BTW, there’s an alien next to your Vespa munching on the spark plug wire in the last photo)
Lovely photos. I’ve scrolled up and down through them now more than once and am not finished doing so.
Here’s hoping that I’m out for the first time this Saturday!
RichardM: Don’t even joke about the sparkplug wire. I feel as if I am already cursed with stupidity. Don’t need any imaginary gremlins in the mix.
Coop: Glad you like the pictures. It was a great day for a little ride. Hoping to have many more in the coming days and weeks including a long one…
very very nice pictures !!!
I read this within the email before seeing the photos; you express yourself so beautifully – extremely moving post.
I like the absence of traffic in those forest shots. Looks so peaceful with the sounds of the rushing water, and the serenity of the setting sun.
Riding the Wet Coast
Laurent: Thank you for the kind words about the pictures.
claudia: I appreciate the words of support. The dog and the scooter make is seem effortless sometimes to write about experience.
bob skoot: There is very little traffic save for the occasional car or bicycle. A nice place to relax.