I arrived at Penn State in the summer of 1972 as a freshman student in geology. From my first days here through today I’ve been continuously challenged, surprised, and proud of the work this institution undertakes. As managing editor of Penn State Ag Science magazine I have a unique opportunity to explore the the work being done by researchers, students, and staff. After 39 years my respect for the people here and the work they do continues to grow.
When I watched the The Partnership video, a story of the land grant mission signed into law by Abraham Lincoln 148 years ago, I was reminded of how fortunate I have been to have a small part in the ongoing mission of Penn State.
I seldom share things here about work but thought the messages in this video are important and reflect the value of research and education partnerships across the country. The complexity of research and the difficulty of explaining it within the confines of a sound bite media can make it an easy target for derision or dismissal. A few weeks ago I listened to a national talk show host dismiss public funding for soybeans as a waste of money because obviously we already know everything we need to know about beans. In a constantly changing environment in terms of disease, insects, soil changes, and more, we never know enough. As the world’s population continues to grow and demand for food increases, people and governments will look towards research and education for solutions.
Everyone in America should understand the mission of institutions like Penn State and their roots traced back nearly 150 years.
And even if you have no interest in this message the video has some wonderful aerial footage of the beautiful Pennsylvania landscape in which I get to ride.
My opinion. And all of you should ride a Vespa. *grin*
It’s nice to hear a bunch of Republicans say good things about government… but it takes a sense of history to appreciate that government is actually a beneficial thing.
So where was Junior today? Camera shy?
With the attention span of a mutt I rarely watch an internet video for more than a few seconds, but this one kept my attention throughout, in spite of Tom Ridge’s appearances. Makes me proud to be a Pennsylvanian!
Conchscooter: I hear you. When you take a close look there are some amazing ideas that our government has put into place. Public universities are one of them.
Junior may be shy around the camera at times but that doesn’t stop me. I’ll be posting a shot of him later this evening.
Joe: Pennsylvania has a long history with much to be proud of. I had the same feelings as you when I watched the video. And I can be pretty skeptical of things like that…
Not just the research at Penn State itself: my wife obtained her PhD at Penn State and is now doing research at Vanderbilt. The seeds Penn State sows spread around the world.
Nice video. Thanks for sharing. I may live in MD, but both of my parents’ families are from PA (Northumberland and Lancaster). My Hubby’s family is from Clearfield, so I know your area a bit. It’s a beautiful and very diverse state.