Let’s get down to business. So there’s no confusion.
This is Scooter in the Sticks. The main blog. The only blog.
Some might be confused because I have been posting all these daily images and changed the Blogger template yesterday. Say goodbye to the original blue version. I’ve moved on to my favorite color – gray. Other than the design change everything else is the same. I think.
Change is our friend.
First, I’ve decided not to post the #DailyRider and #MyDogJunior pictures everyday. I’ll consolidate them once a week in a post. The nearly 1500 people who subscribed to Scooter in the Sticks via Feedburner will continue to receive text and pictures as usual in an email. Everyone should be happy. I’ll be happy. That guy in Key West might even be happy. If you want to see them right away subscribe to my Twitter feed or view them on Flickr. I put them there as I go.
Since I have those pictures ready I will post them as sort of a change gift.
The Daily Rider: February 23, 2011.
Made this image with the iPhone this morning. I neglected to shovel the wet snow and slush a couple days ago in the morning and upon returning after work everything was frozen. So I will have to brave the snow covered driveway until the weather warms a bit.
This morning at the vet. Junior had to get his first round of the Lyme Disease vaccine. He was bored. Made this image with the iPhone and the Lo-Mob app.
It’s been good to be on the road again despite the salt, cold, and occasional ice and snow. The motorcycle parking spaces at my office have been slowly disappearing with the recent snow. Thankfully there was a space I could hide the Vespa in. In a few weeks there will be flowers and warm air. I do remember one mid-March around 1995 that we had 28 inches of snow. I probably shouldn’t get too attached to the idea of spring just yet.
Kissell Motorsports and I have some plans for spring. The first being to do some riding on the Ducati Diavel and the new Triumph Tigers. Craig Kissell and I have talked about riding together and comparing notes on the bikes. Look for those after the roads are clear and the salt has been washed away. Until then I will look over the books Craig gave me. I can see myself on the Tigers. The Ducati is a bit harder to picture.
Last Friday night I attended Midnight Madness at Kissell Motorsports. A big sale from 10pm to midnight. Lots of people turned out and found some great prices on helmets, gear, gloves, motorcycles, and such. I almost bought a new pair of Rev It pants but decided all I really needed was a new Triumph sweatshirt.
It was getting close to midnight when I got back on the Vespa for the 12-mile ride home. It was cold (around 35F) with wind gusts hitting 45mph. Interesting night ride. I couldn’t figure out why no one else rode to the event.
Not everything is fun and games though. I still have to find time for the 3 Prints Project. Time is less of an issue. Motivation is my problem. Gordon and I show up faithfully at a local coffee shop on Sunday morning to share work. Being a regular now you begin to notice the other regulars.
And coffee shops seem to be one of the last bastions of unfettered photography (except for those corporate ones with rule books). I figure the day will come that someone will complain and we will be politely asked to put our cameras away lest we be branded as terrorists.
Photography is not a crime.
Not yet.
This past Sunday Gordon had some nice digital prints. Both of us have recently agreed to abandon film and the darkroom for a while. I already miss it. This image is of his wife.
Gordon has a dog named Laika. I think my Junior photography was inspired by his pictures of his dogs. I’m a follower. Except when it comes to riding. Then I’m a loner.
Riding buddy Paul Ruby made an appearance. I’m not sure if he wanted to see us or just needed a muffin. He recently purchased a Ducati 1198 to share space in the garage with his Kawasaki Concurs, Harley Davidson something or other, and a nice, 1964 Vespa. And his 1962 (?) Mercedes and 1976 Ferrari. He thinks they are all chick magnets.
He needs to talk with Dr. Riepe. Besides, that sweater demagnetizes pretty much anything.
Made this picture on the way home from work this evening. Despite the cold and snow I’m glad to be out. Some days when I walk into the house Kim remarks on the smile. Riding has a way of doing that. Even on cold days like today, riding to work without my ski mask and the cold cut into my throat like a knife, I was smiling and happy when I arrived.
Go figure. Things like that don’t happen in warm climates like you might find in Key West.
I do have some good news to report. A while back Jack Riepe of Twisted Roads posted some good information on how to handle Valentine’s Day. He made a recommendation for Big Jim’s Cookies. I bought two-dozen immediately. And Jim called the house because of a snowstorm seeking permission to ship the cookies a couple days later so they would not get hung up somewhere in shipping. He bakes these things fresh and they are GOOD. Yum. I wish I had some right now.
Jack Riepe may not know much about motorcycles or women but he does know chocolate chip cookies.
Since I can’t have a constant supply of Big Jim’s Cookies I can always stop at the candy store down the street for my beloved Figaros.
So I think I am all caught up with the news from the sticks. It’s good to have friends, interests, a loving wife, kids, family, a dog, camera and Vespa. Can’t ask for much more. Well I can but I won’t right now.
As the weather warms and I cast off the weight of winter I hope to provide a little more interesting fare.
Looking pretty smug in that Triumph sweatshirt. That’s as may be but I smile because I just got done riding My Triumph. Gray suits you.
Conchscooter: That’s not a smug look but rather the look of a man in complete denial. I’m sitting there thinking I’m looking like Steve McQueen until I see the picture.
Then I realize I’m a geek with a Triumph sweatshirt and no Triumph. To make it worse a friend with a Triumph and an iPhone makes a picture of me using Fatbooth.
I’m humble now.
Luckily I don’t know what a Figaro is, nor do we have Big Jim’s Chocolate chip cookies here but now I need a chocolate fix.
too bad that Triumph sweatshirt didn’t come with the machine
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Lovely pictures of the Vespa in the snow….
Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner
Redleg’s Rides
Nice post. I like the photos, the sweatshirt, the chocolate, and the new look to your blog.
bobskoot: I am addicted to chocolate. Not a passing fancy or delight. Downright addiction. I eat far too much of the stuff and I fear one day i’ll regret it. But still I go on.
And wouldn’t it be nice to have a Triumph…
dom: Thank you for the kind words about the pictures. You know, when I think about snow and two wheels I think about your blog. You are the real winter deal.
Mike: I put off changing to a new template for years. Mostly because everything was easy and familiar. But lest I be branded a Luddite I figured it was time to change.
Dear Steve:
I currently have the kind of headache that makes blowing my brains out seem like a good idea. It would be different if I spent the day drinking, or drinking and smoking cigars, or drinking, smoking cigars, and chasing skirts. But I spent it with a publisher who has commissioned a series of humor stories from me that have nothing to do with motorcycles.
I wanted you to know I read your blog tonight and got a good, clean, decent smile out of it. The smile was so broad that I could have hung the corners of it on my ears. But I have this headache that is turning me into a psycho beast at the moment, and all I want to do is write comments on Key West Diary. If it is all right with you, I’ll come back tomorrow and leave a kind, warm-hearted, clever comment. Will that be okay?
Fondest regards,
Jack Riepe
Mr. Riepe: I’ve come to appreciate the power of a bad headache and place it in the same category as a bad back. Either can make me feel useless and ancient.
So not to worry about comments here.
Kind, warm-hearted, and clever. You sound as if you are running for political office. Karl Rove was in town yesterday. Did he stop at your place when he left here???
When you are famous and in power will you make sure I get some sort of grant?