We’re the same at some level. Perhaps it’s the common DNA we share. Standing in the garden this morning while the dog patrolled the premises the 59-degree air triggered a reaction not dissimilar from those going through the heads of the squirrels racing overhead in the spruce trees. Or so I imagine.
Cold air means winter is coming. Time to prepare. I don’t gather acorns but do think about NikWax for my riding clothes to hold the foul weather from my tender boyish flesh. Locate electric gloves, wonder about the condition of the Vespa’s battery. That sort of thing. Winter riding sorts of things.
The ride to work on Monday morning beneath heavy, gray clouds reminded me of fall. And winter. A feeling in my gut manufactured by ancient genetic coding that once kept my ancestors alive. And I suppose it’s still working that way.
Poetically rendered! It did seem like an unusually short summer this year and I find myself rebelling strongly against the portents of cooler and then colder weather to come as they manifest themselves now subtly.
I plan to ride to school as much as I can this year. I don’t know what I’m going to be up against winter weather wise or how to prepare, even, for the two mile commute. I’m hoping that I’ll be okay to ride except in ice or snow. Perhaps a warm, squirrel fur jacket is in order!
joe: I think the speed of summer passing has to do with my advancing age. As I kid I remember summer lingering on forever…
I think I’ll stick with my First Gear Kilimanjaro IV riding jacket over a Squirrel Fur coat.
Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
Hey, I never claimed to be a real poet. That’s your role. I just say what’s on my mind!
Even my summer has gone whizzing by-not as much swimming as i’d like. Oh wait a minute there’s an area of disturbed air in the Caribbean- its not winter around here yet. We’ve got to stock up with toilet paper and poetry, its still hurricane season.
well, you should take time to pay me a visit here in italy: summer is still up and alive, hot weather (34 deg. C) and not a single raindrop. I can just survive, and no vacations on the horizon, at lest until the end of September.
I’m waiting for Fal just like you’re waiting for Winter. fall is my season, I was born in Fall and I love it, I love all those colors, all that fresh-but-not-cold air, that soft light which renders everything as a dream.
And in Fall I preview many dreaming and enthusiast posts!
Steve, if Italy isn’t practical, you should come to Seattle. Record-breaking temperatures are forecast through the weekend (the records being in the upper 80s F). People will go nuts. We’ve got to DO SOMETHING OUTDOORS! THE SUN IS SHINING!!!
Scootin’ Old Skool
I keep looking at the picture of the Vespa and it suddenly dawns on me. Wasn’t there a photo of that scooter in the snow in Rider magazine recently? Something about a “Rounders” club I think.
As much as I complain about winter the 104 degrees predicted for today has me swooning for Fall.
I can relate to squirrel consciousness, seems like fall is in the air around here too, has been all summer except for the next few days which are expected to top 100. I’m looking forward to September, it being my favorite riding month.
I think all of us who live and ride in the Northern portions of this country suffered an equally brutal winter last year from coast to coast. Even those folks I know who normally enjoy the Winter months aren’t quite ready for our Summer to be over with.
Like Ale said, my favorite time of the year is approaching. I love Autumn rides, the color of the Tamarack pines in the Rockies and even the angle of the sun as it begins its migration to the south.
At least I have that to look forward to. My cold weather gear is all ready, here’s hoping that I don’t have to rely on it so heavily this year.
I love the Fall especially when I’m under a Hurricane Watch. Blech.
Summer is still here in full force (Not gale force though thankfully-hoping the best for you Conch’) with temps in the mid eighties. I don’t handle this kind of heat too well although it makes for nice night rides. But the one Sam Adams Black Lager means I’m not going anywhere tonight.
You’ve always had my attention with the tales of your adventures in the autumn. In summer there’s always so much to do. Fall seems to open up a little as far as free time goes. I dodged a squirrel on Saturday myself. Craxy little bastich…
irondad: A nice poetic metaphor. I’ll remember that one!
conchscooter: Stock up and be well. Looks as if Fay passed north and east of you. I’ve been watching Key West Diary to see how things are going.
ale: Would love to make it to Italy someday. Kim and I have missed several opportunities. Her cousin played pro basketball there, for the Rome team and then another one I can’t remember. We had a place to stay and everything…
Orin: Seattle is also on the list of to do visits. One day, one day…
irondad: Yes sir, it was my Vespa in Rider magazine. One of the shots when I was riding home from work in the snow. It was so long between the fellow getting the picture and writing the article and me seeing it that I forgot all about it.
r.g.: 104… ugh. Anything over 85 is miserable for me. Bring me the real riding weather— 40 to 60 degrees.
kano: I love riding when the leaves start to change. September here starts the trend.
On a recent trip to VT, I was struck at how cold was the early mornings and at the unmistakable signs of fall on some of the trees. I too wonder where the summer has gone.
Is it me or do the seasons and years fly by with increasng age or just seem so?
I live in East Texas. there are some great roads here to ride. Great country to see!
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