Another week and two more rolls of Ilford HP5 35mm black and white film shot, processed, contacted, and three more prints. At one point I thought I lost the first roll of film in the trash until I pulled the negatives from the developer and saw what I thought were the lost images. If nothing else I will be more careful where I store my exposed film.
The coming week promises a bit milder weather so I expect to see more time on the Vespa and perhaps some different pictures. Regardless I will continue to expose two rolls of film…
Oh those eggs! Who needs color?
I agree with Tim, that egg shot is exquisite.
That brings up a question, one I deal with in my own photography. How do you choose what to shoot? To expand, are you shooting things you find interesting, or are you looking for subjects that have commercial appeal, i.e. stock photos, art prints, etc. or do you simply shoot what speaks to you. Art for the sake of art as it were?
I’m always tempted to take photos of stuff, but I have boxes of negatives and prints that will never see the light of day except when I flip through them. My walls are covered with books and art/photos, so I haven’t anyplace to display them.
I know when you do commercial work you have a set of criteria you use for what you’re shooting, how to light it, etc. Then an art director stares at 37 slightly different photos and selects the perfect one. Wedding and portrait photography has a set goal.
Am I just confused? (Probably!)
Dave T.
I am sorry but Black and White does not appeal to me anymore. Especially common objects. I am 63 and used black and white for years as my photo medium in my early years. Now I like color now, but, I do shoot digitally and do not have to spend the money to have it developed or try to develop it myself. Enjoy your project but it is something I probably would not do.
Eggs didn’t work for me — photographing someone else’s artwork is too easy. The photography doesn’t really add to the art.
But this pic: Reflection
really works for me. The interplay of light and geometry really jumps at the viewer. Admittedly, photographing architecture is also photographing someone else’s art, but in this case the architecture is just one part of an impressive composition.
We really love your outdoor subjects, whether it is landscape or buildings. When we think of how much work is involved in taking and printing 2 rolls of film, we really appreciate the effort and results. Your photography is special. Hope you keep going.
Tim: They did look nice in color but it was the glowing contrast that caught my eye.
David: This project is entirely non-commercial. Just shooting whatever I see that interests me without any regard or expectation of commercial value. I suspect these images will never be seen beyond this site and a few friends. And that’s fine with me.
Professional work is quite different because there are clear criteria to meet from stylistic expectations to physical requirements of an image. It’s a very different process but still requires me to arrive with the same tools working in my head. And the added requirement that someone other than me needs to be happy when we are finished.
tom: I’ve struggled with the color vs. black & white issue myself for a variety of reasons. Color is so seductive and potentially powerful. I am constantly revisiting why I am shooting this particular project.
rickrusselltx: I know what you mean about photographing artwork. I’ve made a variety of pictures that include paintings or sculpture as important elements and I wonder about what I am doing. Not as bad as the photographer who copied original photos by Adams, Weston, and others and called it new work. that was more of an intellectual process. And of course all the rephotography projects underway.
Architecture is sort of different I think. It is part of the landscape though I think maybe that’s splitting hairs. Everything is part of the landscape…
heinz & frenchie: Thanks for your kind words. I am still shooting but never know what the new day will bring..