A colleague at work recently began riding. About the same time he spread his blogging wings and has slowly been moving forward on both fronts. Jonathan is riding a vintage BMW R75/7 airhead in wonderful condition. I’m not sure the precise year but it is definitely a fine looking machine. Jonathan shows all the makings of a serious rider and blogger but as those of you already involved in this type of enterprise know it is a struggle sometimes to figure out how to fit it into an already busy life.
So I thought I would introduce his blog, Two-Lane Blacktop, to everyone so you can perhaps watch it develop from infancy. I am always curious about the directions taken by riders and writers both in the world and in a blog.
Jonathan and I have not ridden together but if I can coax him out onto the road this winter you may see that black BMW in pictures with the Vespa GTS.
Update on John’s Surgery
I spoke with John on the phone a few minutes ago and he is in good spirits and all signs are positive concerning today’s graft surgery. Surgeons drilled into the bone and saw blood indicating that the bone was alive and well, skin was grafted over the exposed bone and if it takes he could be back home, or at least at a facility in town by Christmas.
We talked a bit about his future on two wheels but I will leave it to him to comment in that area. He may post here or send me something. We both agreed that it is a personal decision that no one else can make.
Thanks for introducting us to Jonathan’s blog. We visited and left him a note.
Special thanks for updating us on John’s condition. We have been thinking about him all day and checking in on your blog to get any news. Sounds promising and we will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. Hope he will find the incentive to write something again for all of us.
I am glad to hear that John is in good spirits – and I hope that they can save his leg.
Out of curiosity…..there has been a lot of talk about John, but not much talk about his wife, Tracy. I hope that she is doing okay considering the severity of the accident, the shock of potentially losing a loved one, and having to spend Christmas without him at home with her. Please send her my well wishes if I do not see her myself.
Hah, it worked! I pedalled and mumbled the roasary like I was a choir boy again yesterday morning. Glad to hear science is cooperating too. Cheers all round.
So, good news, at least for now.
Thanks for the update on John. I find that I really care about this fellow, and am glad that you care enough to keep us all posted.
You know I’m a sucker for old iron, and Beemers always intrigue me. Thanks for leading me to your friends site. It’ll be fun to watch it grow.
Have fun,
Very sorry to read this. I hope the very best for your friend, scratch that, Our friend John. Whatever you have to do, know that this small world of writers can be leaned upon to help you through this. I don’t know how but my support is there if in no other way than knowing there’s a guy in MN who cares right along with the rest of your internet buds. You can get through this. You’re not alone.
heinz & frenchie: John continues to improve so I think all the well wishes from everyone must have contributed!
hrw115: I haven’t talked to John’s wife since the day after the accident. She was holding up well and her colleagues at work donated enough vacation days to her so she could stay with John through the end of the year.
conchscooter: See, all that early training has paid off. The science of all of this is amazing. John just sent some of the x-ray imagery of all the screws and rods and pins. Amazing what they can do. I wouldn’t want to try and get on an airplane though…
tinker: Yes sir, good news!
bill: I have a soft spot for BMW airheads. If I had money I would have one of those too.
Harv: Thanks for the kind thoughts. John was a Minnesotan for a long time and was still riding there on a regular basis until quite recently I think.
I’ll post updates as they seem important. Hopefully it will all be good news from here on out.