Tiresome, tedious errands by car are transformed into exquisite little adventures on the Vespa. Riding in the waning autumn light, taking in the fragrance of falling leaves, feeling the sudden chill in the air just after the sun goes down make each errand moment a pleasure.
I had to go to the ATM for cash, to the video store to return a movie, and then on to the bookstore. The six-mile direct route gave way to a 12-mile ramble executed at near bicycle speeds. Well, maybe Lance Armstrong speeds. Riding this way makes me a tourist in my own neighborhood.
By the time I got to Barnes and Noble to pick up a Sunday New York Times crossword puzzles book for Kim meant I could linger a bit at the dessert case of the café. I’m usually powerless in this area but managed to leave without any sugar purchases. The regret was so great though that I had to stop at a local coffee shop for a coconut chocolate chip scone.
The days continue to shorten and soon the after work errands won’t be possible in the same manner. Fading light will become darkness. Add much colder air and the trip palette is completely different. Not bad. Just different.
Talked with my friend John last night. He’s doing better and expects to be transferred from the hospital to a rehab facility later this week to begin the healing process for his leg. He says he plans to ride again but will have to wait and see what his leg will allow. We talked a bit about the accident but I post more at another time.
Left my Vespa GTS 250ie in the capable and caring hands of Kisselmotorsports in State College, Pennsylvania today for its 6000-mile service. For the past month or so I have been scribbling notes for a 6000-mile review. Stay tuned for that.
I have a few days off ahead and hopefully the Vespa will be back so I can take advantage of a few more fall days for riding.
Your neighborhood is so doggone pretty in the fall colors. I love these photos.
I took a slow wander yesterday like yours, and really enjoyed the pace. I’m putting together a little route for the Geezer cronies to ride on an upcoming Sunday. If we break 40 mph, were going too fast. And the ride will include a bakery visit too!
Have fun,
Checked in this evening to see if you had posted, and I was not disappointed! Great photos and visual images that you paint with your words. Thanks for the inspiration.
We put around 70 miles on our new Vespas over the weekend. But one of them has a faulty motor mount so it is in the shop waiting for a new part. It was making a squeaking sound and more vibration than normal. Since we have two it was easy to make the comparison and know that something was not right with one of them.
Looking forward to your next entry.
Lea in Fort Lauderdale
Those are such brilliant pictures… keep up the great work before it gets too dark 🙂
bill: You are a hero to geezers, coots, and crumudgeons everywhere. They all probably appreciate slower rides and being escorted to bakeries. I know I would.
This is the kind of real macho work that isn’t seen often enough in the two-wheeled world. It takes really fortitude to keep the speedometer needle below 40! Keep it up!!
Lea: I have lots of pictures and stories to post but run short of time to put them together. Hopefully it’s just a momentary energy loss that will soon be plugged.
Congratulations on your new Vespas. Whose Vespa had the problem?
Hope everything gets straightened out right away so you both can keep riding.
rob: Thanks! It’s dark now when I get up and almost dark when I leave work. I think I’ll have more dim pictures in the near future.
I wish I had your riding environment. Just so happen the best strip of road in Orange county for two wheelers like myself and others..Santiago Canyon Road. You know by now its not looking all that healthy. Like Bill I also enjoy a slower pace riding on my scooter. I need to keep my physique in shape by visiting 31 Flavors 🙂 and have a great time doing “Errands” both before and after.
pgrufus: I hope things get back to a more normal level your way. While we have a forest fire every now and again they are insignificant compared to what has occurred in California.
Those riding exercises to 31 Flavors and other similar establishments are causing some midsection bulge for me. I need to pay more attention!
Ride safely.