From now until March 12th public voting for the 2007 Riders Choice Awards is now open. These awards are sponsored by Motorcycle Bloggers International, an organization of bloggers creating original content from around the globe. It is a chance to vote for the best and worst of the motorcycling world for the year 2006. You go to your voting ballot click HERE.
Now I feel weird saying this next part. Scooter in the Sticks is a finalist in the Best Motorcycle or Scooter Blog category this year. Many thanks to those of you who nominated me! The competition is good with some exceptional motorcycle sites on the ballot. I feel fortunate just to be in the running as a writer about my Vespa riding experiences.
Check out what’s on the ballot!
Latest Ride
I managed to get out this past Monday for a last ride before the snow started to come down yesterday. I planned to do a non-stop 60 mile run to test the effective duration of my non-electric riding gear but the temperatures soared to 29° F and I already knew it would be fine at that temperature all day long at 55 MPH. I want to try it around 15° F though.
The reality of my riding is slow with many stops to take pictures. I almost never ride continuously. I am always stopping to take pictures or look around so it is hard to know how good my gear would be for a long-range commuter.
Until the temperatures drop I will continue to ride through this area to get a better feel for the GTS and slowly work my way through the 600-mile break in period. The sun was out and it was a relaxed ride.
I did manage to get the scooter stuck in the snow at one point trying to run down an unplowed farm lane. I felt kind of stupid for a second thinking I would not be able to get it out. Kicking snow and pushing instead of riding did the trick!
I suppose you’re not out riding around today, eh?
consider yourself voted for. 🙂
Congrats on making it to round two Steve!
I voted! I was proud to click my little check mark next to your name.
I was able to sign on as a member of MBI last month, and feel in good company with the RTW crew as fellow bloggers.
Isn’t it something how you can get stuck on flat ground in the snow, and trying to ride it out doesn’t work at all? Kicking snow and pushing works best.
Have fun,
Snowcross on the scoot? Sounds like fun.
I voted for you, too.
Hey Steve, looks like you had a nice ride.
I wrote your nomination, (as I suspect you wrote mine…thanks!) -and I just voted for you.
Though I was kind of disappointed that Rush Hour Rambling didn’t make the cut, I’m very happy that you are still in the race.
Looking at the competition, it’s going to be kind of tricky. Mike Werner’s newsblog might garner some votes, but it looks like the female riders are going to decide the outcome.
Ride well,
Congrats Steve!
Though I did vote for you, it was a toss up between you and Crystal, she’s a strong advocate for Vespas.I think your photos swayed my vote. 🙂 It is a well deserved honor for you two to be nominated!
On the other hand I voted Vespa, for the “Worst Manufacturer’s Website” 🙁
gina marie: No riding, too much snow and ice even for me!
hrw115 & jwh: thanks!
steve: Thanks guy. I’m surprised how this has developed. Really like that Napoleon Dynamite picture on the Scooterscoop!
Bill: Thanks for the vote! Hard to imagine a scooter blog competing with the bike guys. It’s amazing how easy it was to get stuck!
John: I’ll have to mount a ski on the front. Thanks for the vote too!
Gary: It’s sort of humbling to be in this process. Thanks for your support and mentoring along the way. I have no idea how things will fall out.
Cody: Thanks for the vote. Crystal has a great site too! It will be fun to see how this all turns out.
I just found your blog yesterday, and I’m so glad I did. Your stories and photographs are wonderful. I wish there was a book of all your Vespa shots. I included a link to your site on my blog today. I can’t wait to read more.
I like Crystal’s blog, but I’m greedy and she doesn’t post often enough to make me happy. Maybe she has a LIFE? So. I voted for you since it is obvious YOU have no life, and I can identify with that!
Seriously, there were a lot of good choices to vote for (and against) and I did so.
Great going Steve… and thanks for your own comments on my Blog… I was going to e mail you direct, but of course… I cannot navigate well enough to find…
Love your Blog… I always wanted one of those, even looked at them in Atlanta!… they do make sidecars for them!!!
Be well… stay in touch.
Ara & Spirit