Since my Vespa is still in my garage as I narrow down the potential problems I wanted to share this video with you. The landscape reminds me a a forested area near here that I ride through and has many deer. While I slow to almost a crawl I have seen groups of riders fly through the area seemingly indifferent to any danger the deer pose. This film is a reminder for the need to make good decisions while riding.
The film, Morning Fall, was written and directed by Edward McGinty and submitted to the Moving Pictures Short Film Contest.
Thanks for posting this video. A real twister at the end and totally unexpected. As a news photographer in New York I enjoy your blog and it’s combined imaging slant. I use my Yamaha Zuma or Bajaj Legend to run get to many of my assignments. Looking forward to your entries in the New Year.
Boy that is a great short clip. Really gut wrenching to me at the end.
Thanks for the great postings. I’m not a scooter owner myself (’98 Moto Guzzi and ’02 Ural) but am trying to talk my wife into one instead of a new (used) bike for her. I can see myself someday for sure being a scooter owner!
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I edited my reply because I think there are too many variables for me to speculate and think I’ve got something right. Suffice it to say that it still achieves the effect its after and that’s to get me paying attention to what I’m doing on the road.
Thanks Steve
What a great reminder to watch out for stuff on the roads, because there is more then deer out there. What an ending! It had me sucking my breath in. Just didn’t expect that.
When I ride thru city streets, I’m ever mindful of animals and kids. When I’m up in the mountains, it’s the elk and deer. I try not to ride the mountain roads at night.
Thanks for the reminder.
Wow, that one got my attention. I ride my Nomad through a lot of country where deer roam. This film will have me thinking and making better decisions.
Thank you for posting it.
I am going to post a link to this blog on my motorcylce bulletin board. We should all see this.
Steve you have an excellent blog site. Would you mind if I put a link to you on my blog?
rick: The video was the same for me. I wish I could be more like a news photographer and come up with some pictures that had more story content. I’ll keep at it.
brian: Scooters are great fun. I’m not sure if I’ll ever want to return to the motorcycle or not.
Roadbum: I read your post before you deleted it and I understand the things it raises technically. For me, like you, the thoughts it triggers are what was most important.
biker betty: I like riding at night but am more wary now as I consider the unseen risks and my old eyes have more trouble seeing…
sarch: Feel free to link to Scooter in the Sticks. There is something startling about the video. It is really well done. Wish I could make something with the impact that has.