Sudden Changes
I had a plan. An early morning departure for Altoona to pick up my mother-in-law for a visit. Breakfast at Tom and Joe’s Diner followed by a leisurely drive back to Boalsburg where we could all spend the day together. It’s nice to have plans. Then the call she’s not feeling well and those plans evaporate.
Suddenly the day lays open. It’s relatively cool at 68F. A heavy overcast softens the light and whatever scorching the sun may want to inflict. As I write these words I’m mildly shocked it didn’t feel much desire to go for a ride. Perhaps the approach of my 70th birthday has mellowed my riding obsession.
The half mile journey on the Vespa to the Pump Station for breakfast revealed a desire to relax, read, and just soak in the world. Perhaps the unlooked-for gift.
If I time things right I can get to the Pump Station between the early morning commuters and the daily groups that gather. Seeing just a few cars I know my timing is perfect.
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