For over 25 years I’ve been wandering the grounds of the Pennsylvania Military Museum. Often with a camera, usually with a dog. At the outset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2019 life became an exercise in isolation and required adjustments to daily life. As a new creative project, I decided to explore more closely the walks I make at the Military Museum with a camera. Like so many other photographic projects, this too combined ongoing documentation with a slow and deliberate look at what was in front and around me.
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Some really great photos Steve. Love the starkness of the b&w and seemingly suitable for a military museum.
Thank you Mike for your kind words about the photos I’ve been making at the Military Museum. It seems a pretty tame place until you start looking closely and think about what you are seeing. I shot a lot of color before switching to black and white. As you say, it seemed more suitable to the subject.
I love these images. They are subtle and rich, and make me slow down and look at them. And then return to look again. Monochrome or black and white (I could never figure out the difference between those terms) feels just right for this interpretation of this place. Many of them have a simple elegance.
Thank you for putting these u.
Thank you Miguel for your comments and kind words about the collection of photographs. I continue to carry my camera with me as I wander through the grounds. I’m amazed at how much I missed seeing.