Things to Keep in Mind About Riding a Scooter or Motorcycle in Winter Weather
I’m whining and complaining. Some unexpectedly warm February weather melted my winter riding resolve and now that the temperatures are plunging (I understand that -20F is a balmy day in Alaska) into the 20s I’m sort of miffed. Pissed off. Angry. Generally discouraged that life is so unfair. And even though I rode to work today and plan to again tomorrow it’s like the beginning of winter all over again and I have to reset my brain, renew habits and generally do a lot of tedious stuff just to ride to work.
It’s no wonder the smart people I know park their machines until the weather is such that they could ride naked if they wanted to. And here I am futzing with the lining of my Gerbing Electric glove so it doesn’t burn my hand.
In my whining frustration this evening I made the infographic to remind anyone watching that winter riding is work. And to question myself why I continue to wade through the tedium to ride to work. Why put up with the misery?
Good question.
The answer? Truthfully — I do not know. And there I am, riding again on another freezing day.
Cold and Dark
On the way home at the end of the day. Cold, dark and windy. All terms associated with pleasant riding. At least it wasn’t raining or snowing.
Put a gun to my head and ask why am I doing this? Well, I suppose it’s pretty simple.
No matter how tedious, chaotic or frustrating it is to get ready to ride, no matter how harsh the weather is or how challenging conditions on the road appear, once I’m riding I am transported to another state of being and my mind and body follow. Age evaporates along with worldly concern. The noise of living is stripped away and I am left flying through life without care or concern. For those few moments anything I have to go through is worth the price to be riding.
Whining and complaining about winter riding — the price of admission to another state of being.