There’s nothing unusual about heading to the convenience store for some chocolate to go with my late night cup of tea. A short ride, nice night air, a satisfying experience. Seeing my reflection in the front doors though had me asking what sort of rider I was.
Not long ago I watched a guy ride up on a big Victory touring bike. The motorcycle sparkled and the black leather fringe hanging from the hand grips matched his dazzling leather riding suit. Boots, helmet, gloves, everything was selected with care. He could have stepped out of a catalog.
So here I am standing in front of the doors looking at my reflection. Unshaven, messed up hair. Short, black and yellow Triumph vented riding jacket, unwashed since I bought it in 2006. Hanging out from under is the shirt tail of the beat up red flannel shirt I was wearing all day while working in the garden. My eyes look down past my filthy jeans to a pair of mud crusted boots. Some riders dress like pirates, others don their Aerostich gear, while others assume the careful attire of a variety of riding styles. Me on the other hand, I’ve completely dropped the ball. A derelict has just ridden up on a Vespa.
Grabbed a couple Hershey bars while mincing through the store trying to minimize the amount of mud shedding from my boots. I’m not sure I’ve every seen a muddy, unkempt rider who wasn’t associated with a dirt bike. Perhaps I lead a sheltered life.
And don’t ask why as the clock neared midnight I was still in such a sorry state.
The next morning all was well with the world. The sun was out and so was I — this time clean and in my traditional riding clothes. A quick stop at the local quarry for a picture as I tried to figure out where to go and what to do. Being Mother’s Day I couldn’t wander far being a good husband and son-in-law.
So breakfast is always a good choice. Time to think. A scrap of paper on the table had the words AAUW Used Booksale scribbled on it. Perfect. A serendipitous revelation. You never can have too many books right?
Arrived early on the second morning of the sale and didn’t expect to find any treasures. Wrong as usual. Found three gems for Kim to add to her Mother’s Day loot. And a nice hardback edition of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness for my daughter. She likes travel books. What could be a better choice?