Facing the Cold
The first snow has arrived. Light, decorative, a dusting that beckons of winter to come. The past month has offered unseasonably warm weather. Riding weather for even the cold-adverse riders. Yet the roads are largely empty of scooters and motorcycles save for those souls committed to continued riding. Some I suspect have something to prove (except Dan). Others may be victims of economics that offer no alternative choice of vehicles.
I tell myself I’m done with cold weather riding. The lure of a warm home and soft chair become a subtle yet powerful addiction. I surely would find myself powerless if not for two dogs who demand adventure regardless of how I feel or the weather outside. So slowly I’m becoming more acclimated to the cold. Day by day, walk by walk I notice a growing strength of resistance to the lowering temperatures. And from that comes a willingness to leave the warmth of home and venture out on a scooter or motorcycle.
Even in the snow.
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