Facing the Cold
The first snow has arrived. Light, decorative, a dusting that beckons of winter to come. The past month has offered unseasonably warm weather. Riding weather for even the cold-adverse riders. Yet the roads are largely empty of scooters and motorcycles save for those souls committed to continued riding. Some I suspect have something to prove. Others may be victims of economics that offer no alternative choice of vehicles.
I tell myself I’m done with cold weather riding. The lure of a warm home and soft chair become a subtle yet powerful addiction. I surely would find myself powerless if not for two dogs who demand adventure regardless of how I feel or the weather outside. So slowly I’m becoming more acclimated to the cold. Day by day, walk by walk I notice a growing strength of resistance to the lowering temperatures. And from that comes a willingness to leave the warmth of home and venture out on a scooter or motorcycle.
Even in the snow.
What’s to Worry About?
It was the Vespa ET4’s turn for a ride. A good choice when there’s snow flying. And at 34F the road was wet while handsome snowflakes graced my existence. Fifteen years ago almost no weather in Central Pennsylvania would keep me from pushing my scooter outside to commute to work. Freezing rain or accumulations of snow greater than 6 inches marked my boundaries. Now in my seventh decade I’ve begun to reevaluate those boundaries. A tentative draft floats in my head that now includes an above freezing temperature requirement. But a vocal resistance asserts there are many sub-freezing days where the roads are bone dry.
The negotiations continue.
Food and Friends
Getting older has changed my perspective on friends, family, and the temporal nature of both. It’s more important now to spend time with people. For someone like me with a strong loner streak it will take work to turn the ship. I’ve gathered the addresses of cousins I’ve not seen in 60 years and plan to write to them. What I’ll say remains a mystery but memories of closer ties as a kid have me wondering if it might be possible to connect again. Why? That’s an open question. I used to love winter as a kid. Can I love winter again?
Time will tell.
Robert says
As a kid my favorite season was Winter. Not so much anymore, but I will get out there and ride on some days. After all I have electric gear, extra heavy layered riding clothes, coat, pants and boots. You’re fortunate to have the dogs to give you a tug outside every day.