The weather forecast predicted temperatures in the 40s today so I thought I would take the scooter out for a nice long ride. Thermometer read 35 degrees when I left and the roads were clear. As the sun started to appear it got even a bit warmer though water began appearing on the roads as snow and ice melted. I managed to miss most of the spray from other vehicles but the Vespa will get a bath shortly.
MapQuest says its 48 miles to Altoona from my house but that is the more direct freeway route. I spent two hours and 58 miles on the scooter. That included one stop for hot chocolate, two stops to take pictures, and one last stop for tea. My only complaint was that my hands would get cold and I needed some heavier gloves. Altoona obliged me with a nice heavy pair of TourMaster gloves. They were perfect at $38.00. A necessity for winter riding.
This picture was made near Seven Stars, Pennsylvania on the morning route to Altoona.
Hi Steve,
What a fantastic image! Your photography rocks. I know it helps that the Vespa is so photogenic, but the backgrounds you choose are excellent.
I meant to ask you this before: When you say you use a Leica, is that film or digital? If digital, what format do you usually shoot?
Well, I now realize that I have a ton of questions, as I am very much into photography as well. Can you fill us in on your choice of equipment?
Ride well,
The pictures I post of the Vespa are all made with a little Canon PowerShot S50 digital camera. Nothing special, just something I can fit in my jacket pocket. I carry a tiny tripod under the seat if I want to make a self-portrait.
For everything else I shoot—a long term project photographing my wife and a landscape project—I use a Leica M6 and a Zone VI 8×10 view camera. I only shoot black and white and process it in the darkroom I built in the basement. I like the ritual nature of working with film and silver printing.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to haul the 8×10 camera and tripod on the scooter but the camera, lenses, holders, and stuff weighs almost 40 pounds. Add the tripod and I am at nearly 60 pounds. I may have to accept the Vespa will only haul the Leica….
Ride carefully and Merry Christmas!
hey, i’m from Dubois. I have an older Vespa, a px85. hope to see ridin around.